Building a 3D Map in R — Covid Density in the US by Income

Kyle Benzle
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2020

We are in a golden age of data visualizations AND data! There is so much information available but it takes time and effort to make sense of it. In my opinion, where it is applicable mapping can be the best way to “see” data. Here is one way to make a 3D map in R using rayshader to give height to a simple scatter plot overlayed on a png of the background map. This is an adaption of this great tutorial from Carrie Lo which can be found here. Reach out on Twitter with any improvements or thoughts, thanks.

Lots of libraries

# Lots of librarieslibrary(sp)

Load and preprocess 1st data set

# Preprocess 1st data setincome = read.csv('income.csv', stringsAsFactors = F)
income2017 <- income[-c(3:36)]
income2017$X2017 = as.integer(gsub(',', '', income2017$X2017))
colNames = c('region', 'value')
colnames(income2017) <- colNames
map_outline = data(
income2017$region = tolower(income2017$region)
income2017 <- income2017 %>% mutate(., region = replace(region, region=='d.c.', 'district of columbia') )
joinedData <- left_join(, income2017, by = 'region')
keep = c(1,2,3,6,10,13)
joinedData <- joinedData[, keep]
map_data = joinedData
map_data$value = as.numeric(map_data$value)
map_data <- map_data %>% arrange(., order)
map_data <- map_data %>% filter(., region != 'alaska')
map_data <- map_data %>% filter(., region != 'hawaii')


# Mapmap_us = ggplot(map_data, aes(long, lat, group=group, fill = value)) +
geom_polygon() + # Shape
low="#FFF3B0", high="#E09F3E") +
layer(geom="path", stat="identity", position="identity",
mapping=aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group,
color=I('#FFFFFF'))) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(),
axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank()) +
coord_map(projection = "mercator")
map_us# Save as PNG
xlim = ggplot_build(map_us)$layout$panel_scales_x[[1]]$range$range
ylim = ggplot_build(map_us)$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range

Load and map 2nd data set

# Load and map 2nd data setcovid_df = read.csv('covidbycounty.csv')
geocode_df = read.csv('geocodedcounties.csv')
uniqueGeocode <- geocode_df[,-1]
uniqueCountyGeocode <- unique(uniqueGeocode)
uniqueCountyGeocode$state_county <- paste0(uniqueCountyGeocode$state, uniqueCountyGeocode$county)
uniqueCountyGeo$county <- paste0(uniqueCountyGeo$county, " County")
uniqueCountyGeo <- uniqueCountyGeo[!duplicated(uniqueCountyGeocode$state_county), ]
covid_df = left_join(covid_df, uniqueCountyGeo[c(2,3,4,5)], by =c('county', 'state'))
covid_df = na.omit(covid_df)
covid_df <- covid_df %>% filter(., state != 'HI')
covid_df <- covid_df %>% filter(., state != 'AK')
map_us_png = readPNG('map_us.png')us_covid_deaths = ggplot(covid_df) +
annotation_custom(rasterGrob(map_us_png, width=unit(1,"npc"), height=unit(1,"npc")),
-Inf, Inf, -Inf, Inf) + # Background

xlim(xlim[1]-2,xlim[2]+1) + # x-axis Mapping
ylim(ylim[1]-6,ylim[2]+6.5) + # y-axis Mapping

geom_point(aes(x=longitude, y=latitude, color=deaths), size=0.1) +
scale_colour_gradient(name = 'deaths',
low="#FCB9B2", high="#B23A48") +
axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(),
axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank())

Make the points 3D and record video

# Make the points 3D and record videoplot_gg(us_covid_deaths, multicore = TRUE)par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, diff(xlim) * 2500, diff(ylim) * 2500))render_camera(fov = 70, zoom = 0.2, theta = 30, phi = 20)
render_depth(focus = 0.8, focallength = 600)

phivechalf = 30 + 60 * 1/(1 + exp(seq(-7, 20, length.out = 180)/2))
phivecfull = c(phivechalf, rev(phivechalf))
thetavec = 0 + 45 * sin(seq(0,359,length.out = 360) * pi/180)
zoomvec = 0.45 + 0.2 * 1/(1 + exp(seq(-5, 20, length.out = 180)))
zoomvecfull = c(zoomvec, rev(zoomvec))
render_movie(filename = 'output1', type = "custom", frames = 360, phi = phivecfull, zoom = zoomvecfull, theta = thetavec)

transition_values <- function(from, to, steps = 10, one_way = FALSE, type = "cos") {
if (!(type %in% c("cos", "lin"))){stop("type must be one of: 'cos', 'lin'")}
range <- c(from, to)
middle <- mean(range)
half_width <- diff(range)/2
if (type == "cos") {scaling <- cos(seq(0, 2*pi / ifelse(one_way, 2, 1), length.out = steps))}
else if (type == "lin"){
if (one_way) {xout <- seq(1, -1, length.out = steps)}
else {xout <- c(seq(1, -1, length.out = floor(steps/2)), seq(-1, 1, length.out = ceiling(steps/2)))}
scaling <- approx(x = c(-1, 1), y = c(-1, 1), xout = xout)$y }
middle - half_width * scaling
theta <- transition_values(from = 0, to = 360, steps = 360, one_way = TRUE, type = "lin")
phi <- transition_values(from = 10, to = 70, steps = 360, one_way = FALSE, type = "cos")
zoom <- transition_values(from = 0.4, to = 0.8, steps = 360, one_way = FALSE, type = "cos")
render_movie(filename = 'output2', type = "custom", frames = 360, phi = phi, zoom = zoom, theta = theta)




Analytics Vidhya
Analytics Vidhya

Published in Analytics Vidhya

Analytics Vidhya is a community of Generative AI and Data Science professionals. We are building the next-gen data science ecosystem

Kyle Benzle
Kyle Benzle

Written by Kyle Benzle

I am a plant biologist with an MS from OSU and broad experience in data science, cell biology, genetics, genomics, and plant breeding.

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