Building Interactive Annotations in Jupyter Notebook

Annotations Made Easy

Prakhar Mishra
Analytics Vidhya



This is a pure implementation-oriented blog post, where I will discuss how one can use ipywidgets module and build an interactive annotation tool in their very own Jupyter Notebooks. All the readers who are currently working or have any time worked for a startup as a Data Scientist know the spectrum of work they are expected to do. Of which, building any kind of UI (ex. showcasing API functionality, Annotation, etc) is up to them to design and develop. This UI never makes it to the public but is essentially used seasonally for internal purposes. Obviously, for that purpose, we can’t ask the UI developer to do the stuff for us, given the fact he has much serious work to do. Today we will see how we can work around in building an annotation tool, an everyday use-case that data scientists deal with. A couple of months ago, I had also talked about building it by Automating Google Forms for this purpose. I assume the audience to be familiar with Jupyter Notebooks, if not, it’s a browser-based interactive coding environment. Enough said, let’s start coding.

  1. Please go ahead and install ipywidget.

We will focus on laying the foundation for building a very simple annotation tool that will have enough scope for you to work on it and enhance it. I have shared the full notebook…

