Chart & Graph Types

Enos Jeba
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
10 min readAug 12, 2021

Data Visualization is a powerful way to simplify the complexity in our data and present it in a form which is comprehensible, insightful and actionable. From early caveman paintings to today’s sophisticated information dashboards, we have used data viz in some form or the other since time immemorial. Data Visualization is the process of presenting data in the form of graphs or charts. It helps to understand large and complex amounts of data very easily.

Visualizations act as a campfire around which we gather to tell stories.
―Al Shalloway

Line Graph

  • Used to Visualize data spread over Time
  • Every data point is plotted on the graph and are connect with a line to understand the trend over a time span

Multi-Line Graph

  • Line graphs can reflect multiple data sets with lines of varying patterns or color

Bar Graphs

  • Simple way to compare different categories
  • One Axis contains the categories while the other represents the values
  • Ideal to compare numeric values or data associated with numerical values

Box Plot

  • Used to visualize Distribution Shape of the data, to find the Central Value of it and learn about the Variability of it
  • Minimum The minimum value in the given dataset
  • First Quartile (Q1) The first quartile is the median of the lower half of the data set
  • Median The median is the middle value of the dataset, which divides the given dataset into two equal parts. The median is considered as the second quartile
  • Third Quartile (Q3) The third quartile is the median of the upper half of the data.
  • Maximum The maximum value in the given dataset.

Apart from these five terms, the other terms used in the box plot are

  • Interquartile Range (IQR) The difference between the third quartile and first quartile is known as the interquartile range. (i.e.) IQR = Q3-Q1
  • Outlier The data that falls on the far left or right side of the ordered data is tested to be the outliers. Generally, the outliers fall more than the specified distance from the first and third quartile.

Pie Chart

  • Most efficient Visualization when comparing parts of Whole
  • Can give a Quick comparison between allocations or segments of a elements in a data

Mosaic or Mekko Charts

  • Used to Visualize multivariate data
  • Can compare multiple categories and illustrate all the variables in clear and straightforward manner
  • The Size and Color of each cross section corresponds to it’s segment

Population Pyramids

  • Ideal Visualization to visualize two groups
  • The graph generally makes itself appear as a pyramid
  • A population pyramid that is not in it’s general shape indicates irregularity in a population
  • Population pyramid aren’t always used to compare population by age, thus do not go with the name

Spider Charts

  • If you are a Player Unknown’s Battleground fan you might be familiar with this chart displaying your kill streaks and abilities in your profile
  • Used to compare and visualize 3 or more Quantitative Variable
  • Also known as Radar Chart / Star Chart
  • The chart is equipped with series of radii spread from the center point
  • The length of the spoke is proportionate to the value being compared. The spokes are then connected with a line of a designated pattern

Stock Charts

  • This chart helps investors to track the markets
  • The graph provides the performance of the stock with the line and thus helping the investor to determine buying decisions
  • It provides data over a period of time
  • Multiple stocks can be tracked and compared at the same time

Flow Charts

  • Used to explain the process either in business or a app or any industrial activity
  • It has a sequence of steps involved in the beginning to the end of the process
  • They can have multiple beginnings and ends
  • There may also countless pathways and journey’s from beginning to the end
  • Frequently used to illustrate more complex sequence with multiple decisions or conditions

Gnatt Charts

  • Special type of graph used to direct schedules
  • The bars reflect the project with the start and end dates
  • The bars are color coded to understand the workflow involving different teams

Control Charts

  • Also known as Process Behavior chart
  • Helps determine if a data set falls within a mean or predetermined range
  • The mean is of each point calculated and the center line of the graph is on the mean value
  • Then a Standard Deviation from the mean is calculated using each point
  • The upper and lower control limits are determined and diagrammed to reflect the point at which deviation is beyond expected standards

Waterfall Chart

  • Used in accounting and qualitative analysis
  • Illustrates how an initial value is positively or negatively affected by various factors
  • Also known as Floating Bricks or Mario Charts as they often appear as bars floating throughout the graph

Hierarchy Diagrams

  • Used to illustrate a structure of a Organization and the relationship within it
  • Can illustrate the chain of command from any employee all the way to the top
  • Also used to display scientific classification, demographics and any data with similar distribution

Scatter Plot

  • Data points are scattered across two axis
  • Multiple data can be plotted with different colors to understand trend or groupism
  • Also known as Scattergram

Trellis Plot

  • Used to compare more data sets which can be represented by a single graph
  • Also known as Lattice graph or Lattice plot

Function Plots

  • Used to determine the value of an equation by graphing its result
  • The graph of a function is the set of all points whose coordinates satisfy the equation
  • Function graphs of common shapes are visually associated with their corresponding algebraic formulas

Binary Decision Diagrams

  • Used to illustrate the path from one decision to another
  • The choice of path is between two alternatives
  • Can be used with any process whose actions are based on two values i.e. True or False, Yes or No, 1 or 0

Circuit Diagrams

  • Visual Representation of a Electric Circuit
  • With the help of simple shapes the interconnections of a circuit can be easily visualized
  • The pathways and connections are accurate, the diagram does not necessarily represent a proportionate spatial construction of the circuit


  • Displays timeline over a period of time
  • Significant dates are highlighted associated with its events at the point in which they appear on a chronological scale
  • Can be used in conjunction with other visualizations

Tree Diagrams

  • A form of Hierarchical diagram
  • It can either begin with an ancestor, then diagram his or her descendants, their siblings, marriages and children, and so on

Sunburst Charts

  • It is a multi-level pie chart
  • Used to illustrate hierarchical data using concentric circles
  • Each ring represents a level in the hierarchy, with root node at the center and hierarchy moving out
  • It can be used to breakdown data of time periods
  • Different categories can be designated different hues
  • Rings can be further divided to represent multiple divisions within the same organizational level
  • A multi-level pie chart, for example, consists of tiers, with each layer representing a separate set of data, and can be the perfect solution
  • Instead of showing three different charts Multi-level pie charts can take place of three also offering clearer visual comparisons of each result

Stacked Area Charts

  • Used to diagram changes of multiple variables across time
  • Lines can be multiplied to represent different states

Stacked Bar Graphs

  • Can compare multiple variable at once
  • A stacked bar graph combines elements of the traditional bar graph and the pie graph to communicate totals, trends and proportions in a single illustration

Trellis Bar Graphs

  • Used to visualize three-dimensional bar graph, but adding an additional axis can sometimes appear cluttered and unclear, especially in printed form
  • By combining a series of bar graphs in a modular design, additional sets of data can be easily compared

Venn Diagrams

  • The classic Venn diagram, also known as a logic diagram, illustrates all possible logical relationships between a designated collection of sets.
  • Mostly worked out with circles
  • The more circles used, the more logical conclusions that can be represented by their overlap
  • The combined set of all data in the diagram is known as the union
  • Areas that overlap are called intersections

Trellis Line Graphs

  • Trellis graphs allow scientists to examine complex, multi-variable data sets, comparing a greater deal of information at once
  • While a single line graph can illustrate data of a city over a specific time period, trellis line graph will display same data for 50 city in a single graphic

Pareto Charts

  • Bar Graph + Line Graph = Pareto Charts
  • Used to display not only categories individual values but also the cumulative total of the entire set
  • The charts highlight the most important of set of factors

Spherical Contour Graphs

  • A spherical plot
  • Used to reveal Global Temperature, Rainfall trends by assigning each value with a particular color and then plotting the data with points of corresponding hue


  • Images and symbols are used to illustrate data
  • Also known as pictograph
  • As Images are known to hold more emotional power than raw data, pictograms are often used to present medical data

Anatomical Diagrams

  • Used to illustrate anatomy, treatments or disease pathology in order to explain treatments for patients and others without an extensive biomedical background
  • No matter how detailed the drawing, anatomical diagrams are designed to clearly and efficiently present data
  • Just as with a complex contour diagram, the diagrams focus on key information, even if it was selected from voluminous amounts of medical or scientific data

Contour Plots

  • Used for the analysis of three variables in a two-dimensional format
  • Instead of plotting data along two main axes, the graph also presents a third value that is based on shading or color

Heat Maps

  • A heat map specifically charts varying changes at different data points with the help of color

Scatter-Line Combo

  • Used to illustrate relationship between two datasets

3D Graphs

  • Technology now allows statisticians to display multi-dimensional data sets in true form
  • Three-dimensional graphs created with specialized software reflect the relationship between three variables plotted across three axes.

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