Chat analysis on WhatsApp: Part 2 — Sentiment analysis and Data visualization with R
If you have reached this article directly, perhaps I would recommend that you first take a look at Part 1, where I start by introducing you to rwhatsapp, a small but quite useful package from which we carry out a first analysis and visualization of interesting data, extracted from a conversation on WhatsApp between two people, from 2018 to today, explaining the step by step:
Having understood the context and starting point, now we will go a little further with the interaction between our two individuals and their open relationship (still maintaining their anonymity, of course, as “Él” (He) and “Ella” (She)), analyzing the diversity of vocabulary and performing sentiment analysis based on the expressed emojis. Okay, so going back, using the same libraries, same defined variables, and the same txt file so far, let’s continue.
Who has a more diverse lexicon?
You will remember that in the first part, using the stopwords() function, we discriminate the words whose meaning is…