Comparing Maps in Go Language

Meet Raval
Feb 12, 2022


It’s not that hard when you use Reflect Package


There are 2 main things:
1. Importing the “reflect” package:

import “reflect”

2. using DeepEqual Function:

reflect.DeepEqual(map1, map2)

DeepEqual Function will compare each key and value pair of two maps with each other.

// So, the output of the Above Code Snippet would be:// Print: map1 & map2
map[a:1 b:2] map[a:1 b:2]
// reflect.DeepEqual's Output

If both the maps (map1 & map2) has the same key: value pair then it will return True.

Else it will return False.

Time Complexity of this Function is O(N)



Meet Raval

Software Developer at Arctic Wolf. Want to make the world a better place.