Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

Correlation and causation can exist at the same time

Mala Deep
Analytics Vidhya


TL;DR: Correlation does not necessarily mean causation! See yourself through this Infographic.

“Correlation does not prove causation”: This was the statement I came across during my Udacity-Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship on Data Track Course- 2019. I was awestruck by this line. I was doing EDA, and based on correlation; I summed up my result(causation accepted). [Yes, I was wrong!]

That very line from Bertelsmann Data Track course made me realize that I was steering towards wrong analysis; thus, I started to dig deeper and try to understand the thin line difference between Correlation & Causation.

Understanding the phrase “Correlation does not prove causation” and underpinning the concept on your next data science project will make you double confident.

What’s Inside:

  • Understanding the correlation.



Mala Deep
Analytics Vidhya

Top 1500 Writer in Data Science & Visualization. Also talks about HCI & Design Psychology