COVID-19 World Immunization Race with Python

Gabriel Tardochi Salles
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
7 min readFeb 24, 2021

Predicting the podium, visualizing the vaccination evolution in a GIF and investigating its dark horses!

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Recently I found myself very curious about how long It would take to finally see our world free of this very historical situation that we are in. For that, I decided to take a look at the most recent data about vaccination and, on the process of doing so, I figured out that a race to the complete immunization could be a cool thing to see in a GIF — specially if It were done in python, combining matplotlib with geographical plotting! The result is this beauty.

It’s good to know that herd immunity might be achievable for COVID-19 at 70%.

Cool! Let’s now understand Seychelles and Chile.

Okay, so what is Seychelles? That’s what I was asking myself. According to Wikipedia:

Seychelles is an archipelagic island country consisted of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean at the eastern edge of the Somali Sea.

After some research, Its understandable why they beat the rest of the world on our race — it’s a high-economy(classified by the World Bank) country that lives off tourism. In addition, they have a population of only ~100K citizens.

Now, It’s no surprise that countries like Israel and United Arab Emirates got 2nd and 3rd place, but what about Chile? What made it possible?

Chile didn’t hesitate to buy as many vaccines as they could and as early as possible. Actually, they have now ordered enough doses to immunize its population twice. Another good move that Chile made was to host vaccine trials for Sinofarm and AstraZeneca, which gave then good advantages.

Getting to the code!

First of all, everything is available here on my GitHub. To get the desired result, I used python 3.8 with pandas, geopandas, matplotlib and numpy.

Project directory structure(python code inside “src” folder):

  1. Let’s first import necessary libraries:
import os
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50)
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import math

2. Download and read datasets/shapefiles for plotting:

# data gathered on 19th of Feb, 2021
INFO_PATH = "../data/country_info.csv" #
VACCINATION_PATH = "../data/country_vaccinations.csv" #
SHAPEFILE_PATH = "../shapefiles/ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes/ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.shp" #
info_df = pd.read_csv(INFO_PATH, usecols=["country", "alpha3code", "pop"])
vac_df = pd.read_csv(VACCINATION_PATH, usecols=["country", "iso_code", "date", "total_vaccinations","daily_vaccinations"], parse_dates=["date"])
geo_df = gpd.read_file(SHAPEFILE_PATH)[['ADM0_A3', 'geometry']].to_crs('+proj=robin')

3. Create a list of countries that we have information about their daily vaccinations and an empty list to store countries that have “trustable” enough data. Also, initializing dictionaries to store the “earliest” and “latest”datapoint for each country and the desired daily vaccinations value for future predictions:

all_countries = vac_df[vac_df['daily_vaccinations'].isna() == False].country.unique().tolist()
good_confidence_countries = []
countries_daily_fforward = {}
countries_first_update = {}
countries_latest_update = {}

4. Loop over the countries selecting the ones that will be on the analysis(in this case, countries that have at least 15 days of vaccination data informed) and populate dictionaries:

for c in all_countries:
first_non_na_i = vac_df[(vac_df['daily_vaccinations'].isna() == False) & (vac_df['country'] == c)].head(1).index.item()
this_c_df = vac_df[(vac_df.index >= first_non_na_i) & ( == c)]
nans_after_first_nan = this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.isna().sum()
days_with_info = this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.notna().sum()
first_non_nan_update = this_c_df[this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.notna()]['date'].head(1).item()
latest_non_nan_update = this_c_df[this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.notna()]['date'].tail(1).item()
lastest_date = this_c_df['date'].tail(1).item()
if days_with_info < 15:
all_time_mean = this_c_df[this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.notna()]['daily_vaccinations'].mean()
recent_mean = this_c_df[this_c_df.daily_vaccinations.notna()]['daily_vaccinations'].tail(5).mean()
selected_forward_daily_vac = math.floor(0.15 * all_time_mean + recent_mean * 0.85)
countries_daily_fforward[c] = selected_forward_daily_vac
countries_first_update[c] = first_non_nan_update
countries_latest_update[c] = latest_non_nan_update

For this step, I chose to use 15% of the all time average + 85% of the five latest informed datapoints average value for my prediction of the future average daily vaccinations. I decided to do that because It was very common to see one of the two cases below, where a country daily vaccination number could slowly progress and then stagnate, or perhaps start in a high note(when they receive a bunch of vaccine doses and suddenly drop, stagnating). For that it would be best to not focus so much on their early vaccination weeks or days, as It cant say very much about the future:'seaborn')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 4))
ax23 = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon = False)
ax23.set_xlabel('Time (Sequencial Calendar Days)', fontsize=14)
ax23.set_title("Brazil Curve x Sri Lanka Curve", fontsize=20)
axes[0].plot(vac_df[vac_df['country'] == "Brazil"].dropna().date, vac_df[vac_df['country'] == "Brazil"].dropna().daily_vaccinations)
axes[0].set_ylabel('Daily Vaccinations', fontsize=14)
axes[1].plot(vac_df[vac_df['country'] == "Sri Lanka"].dropna().date, vac_df[vac_df['country'] == "Sri Lanka"].dropna().daily_vaccinations)
for ax in axes:

Let’s just keep our desired countries:

vac_df = vac_df[vac_df['country'].isin(good_confidence_countries)]

5. For this step, I will be creating a DataFrame where each row represents a {date,country} pair, with dates ranging from our first entry of daily vaccination until 2023. First we should know the starting date:

vac_df[vac_df['date'] == vac_df[vac_df.daily_vaccinations.notna()]['date'].min()]

Now create the DataFrame with the correct range of dates and country names, let’s call it “clean_df”:

def create_country_date_df(countries, start, end):
all_dfs = []
for country in countries:
df = pd.DataFrame({"date": pd.date_range(start, end), "country": country})
concat_df = pd.concat(all_dfs, ignore_index=True)
return concat_df
clean_df = create_country_date_df(good_confidence_countries, '2020-12-14', '2022-12-31')

6. Merge it with “vac_df” and “info_df”, to get daily vaccination values(fixing iso_code column when it is NaN) and total needed vaccines by country(2 * population, since two doses are needed for each individual):

clean_df = pd.merge(left=clean_df, right=vac_df, how='left', on=['date','country'])
clean_df["iso_code"] = clean_df.groupby("country").transform(lambda x: x.fillna(method="bfill"))["iso_code"]
clean_df["iso_code"] = clean_df.groupby("country").transform(lambda x: x.fillna(method="ffill"))["iso_code"]
clean_df = clean_df.merge(info_df[["alpha3code", "pop"]], how="left", left_on="iso_code", right_on="alpha3code").drop(['alpha3code'], axis=1).rename({"pop":"needed_vaccines"}, axis=1)
clean_df['needed_vaccines'] = clean_df['needed_vaccines'].astype(np.int64) * 2 # converting from numpy.int32 to numpy.int64 to prevent overflow

7. Now It is needed to fill in the “daily_vaccinations” column NaNs, using the already defined daily average when NaNs apper in the future(after the last datapoint of a country), zeros when it happens earlier than the first datapoint or simply fowardfilling when it happens between those dates:

def correct_daily_vac_col(x):
dt = x['date']
country = x['country']
before_first_info = dt < countries_first_update[country]
after_last_info = dt > countries_latest_update[country]
if before_first_info:
return 0
elif after_last_info:
return countries_daily_fforward[country]
elif pd.isnull(x['daily_vaccinations']):
return x['daily_vaccinations']
return math.floor(x['daily_vaccinations'])
clean_df['daily_vaccinations'] = clean_df.apply(lambda x: correct_daily_vac_col(x), axis=1)
clean_df['daily_vaccinations'] = clean_df['daily_vaccinations'].fillna(method="ffill")

8. Finding the % of the total population immunized on each date, for every country:

clean_df["total_vaccinations"] = clean_df.groupby(['country'])['daily_vaccinations'].cumsum(axis=0)
clean_df["immunization_coverage"] = np.where((clean_df.total_vaccinations / clean_df.needed_vaccines) < 1, (clean_df.total_vaccinations / clean_df.needed_vaccines), 1)
clean_df['immunization_coverage'] = clean_df['immunization_coverage'] * 100 # transforming it to [0, 100] range

9. Merge it to the geopandas dataframe(rows of countries that are missing data will have NaNs):

merged = pd.merge(geo_df, clean_df, how='left', left_on='ADM0_A3', right_on='iso_code').drop(["iso_code"], axis=1)

10. Finally, lets iterate over each sequential date, building the leaderboard and plotting/saving the plots(in this case only three plots per month!):

title = "      COVID-19 World Immunization Progress Until 2023"
description = "If vaccination across various countries remain in the same pace(as on February 19th, 2021), thats how the race goes.\n"\
" Data: Our World in Data - • Author: Gabriel Tardochi Salles".strip()
# set a variable that will call whatever column we want to visualise on the map
variable = 'immunization_coverage'
# set the range for the choropleth
vmin, vmax = 0, 100
completely_immunized = []
ranking = ''
# building and saving the ranking while creating the img files
for date in
this_plot = merged[(merged['date'] == date) | (merged['date'].isna())]
date_time = pd.to_datetime(str(date))
date_string_to_plot = date_time.strftime("%b, %Y")
date_string_to_save = date_time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
month_year_only = date_time.strftime("%b/%Y")
saving_path = f"../out/images/img_{date_string_to_save}.jpg"

# checking if someone got 100%
now_completed_countries = this_plot[(this_plot['immunization_coverage'] == 100) & ~(this_plot['country'].isin(completely_immunized))]['country'].tolist()
for country in now_completed_countries:
podium_len = len(completely_immunized)
suf = lambda n: "%d%s"%(n,{1:"st",2:"nd",3:"rd"}.get(n if n<20 else n%10,"th"))
ranking += f"{suf(podium_len)} - {country} ({month_year_only})\n"
if date_string_to_save == "20221231":
ranking += " . . ."
if (not (date_string_to_save.endswith("05") or date_string_to_save.endswith("15") or date_string_to_save.endswith("25"))) or date_string_to_save == "20221231":
# create figure and axes for Matplotlib
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(14, 7))
# plotting only countries that are "competing" on the race
this_plot.dropna().plot(column=variable, cmap='Purples', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='.9', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, legend=False, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
# remove the axis
# add a title
ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize': '24', 'fontweight' : '2'}, color='#0A0122')
# create an annotation for the data source and author
ax.annotate(description, xy=(0.1, .065), xycoords='figure fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=12, color='#555555')
# Create colorbar as a legend
sm ='Purples', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
# empty array for the data range
sm._A = []
# add the colorbar to the figure
cbar = fig.colorbar(sm, label="% of the Population Fully Immunized", pad=0, shrink=0.7)
# position the annotation of the date string to the bottom left
xy=(0.14, .265), xycoords='figure fraction',
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',
color='#3C4052', fontsize=20)

# position the annotation of the ranking to the bottom left, above our date string
xy=(0.032, .57), xycoords='figure fraction', color='#717171',
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top',
# plotting the rest of the countries differently
this_plot[this_plot.isna().any(axis=1)].plot(ax=ax, color='#fafafa', hatch='///')
# saving to our images directory
plt.savefig(saving_path, dpi=300)
# if its the last date available, save it many times to make the gif "pause" a little bit on the last image
if date_string_to_save == "20221231":
for i in range(10):
plt.savefig(f"../out/images/img_{date_string_to_save + str(i)}.jpg", dpi=300)

Creating a GIF based on the Plots!

To achieve that:

  1. Install ImageMagick;
  2. Open up the terminal and navigate to the directory where the files were saved;
  3. Simply run the following command:
magick -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg immunization_race.gif

And that is it!

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Some credit to what inspired me on this one:



Gabriel Tardochi Salles
Analytics Vidhya

Machine Learning Engineer sharing practical insights and tutorials on data and AI. LinkedIn: