Create a chat bot In 10 minutes easily no coding skills required

Saicharan Kr
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2020

( Using Dialogflow and Botcopy )


In this tutorial, you will learn to create a chatbot that can be added to any of your web pages.

This article is divided into Two parts:-
PART-1 :- Explains you how to create a chatbot using DialogFlow.
PART-2 :- Explains how to add chat bot created in DialogFlow to any webpage using BotCopy.


Step 1:- visit login using your google account

Step 2:- If your signing in for the first time give access for dialog flow to use your details from google account. Then click on next after successful sign in you will see the below screen.

Step 3:- Clicking on create agent will open.

1 . Give name to your agent

2. Google project > select > create a new Google project.

3. Click on create.

Step 4:- When Agent is successfully created you will screen like below .

Step 5:- Enable small talk.

1. Click on small talk.

2. Click on enable toggle.

Step 6: — Customize small talk as your requirement.

Step 7:- Creating Intents:-

1. Click “+” on right of intent tab.

2. Add name to intent.

3. Add Training phases.

4. Click on save.

What are intents?

An Intent is a specific action that the user can invoke by using one of the defined terms in the Dialogflow console. For example, the user could ask “Is it going to rain today?” or “Where is the nearest pizza restaurant” — if these are terms defined within the console, then they will be detected by Dialogflow and the intent that are defined under will be triggered.

The list of defined intents for your agent can be found by navigating to the Intents navigation item within the menu on the left in the console.

An Intent allows us as developers to define a selection of individual tasks that can be invoked by the user. You should aim to keep these intents focused and concentrate on the functionality that they are crated for, this allows us to keep the length of the invocation short and give the user the desired response in a shorter time frame.


Now we are going to know ,how to bring our chat bot to functionality by Adding it to you desired webpage.

Step 8:- visit Click on Get started for free.

Step 9:- Sign up Using the same google account you had used for signing in Dialogflow.

After Sign in you will see the below portal.

  • Click on Add a bot
  • Select our Dialog flow project.

If you Have Signed in through the same google account you had used for DialogFlow your project Should Appear automatically here.

Step 10:- If All the steps are correctly followed you should able to see a page like below .

Step 11:- Now Copy the Html embed Snippet Show in above picture to any of your web pages.

I am adding this Bot to my blog.

Experience live BOT by visiting: — My blog



Saicharan Kr
Analytics Vidhya