Custom metrics for Keras/TensorFlow

Arnaldo Gualberto
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020
Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Recently, I published an article about binary classification metrics that you can check here. The article gives a brief explanation of the most traditional metrics and presents less famous ones like NPV, Specificity, and MCC. If you don't know some of these metrics, take a look at the article. It's only 7 minutes to read. I'm sure it will be useful for you.

In this article, I decided to share the implementation of these metrics for Deep Learning frameworks. It includes recall, precision, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), f1-score, and Matthews' Correlation Coefficient (MCC). You can use it in both Keras or TensorFlow v1/v2.

The Code

Here's the complete code for all metrics:

Almost all the metrics in the code are described in the article previously mentioned. Therefore, you can find a detailed explanation there.

How to use in Keras or TensorFlow

If you use Keras or TensorFlow (especially v2), it’s quite easy to use such metrics. Here’s an example:

model = ... # define you model as usualmodel.compile(
optimizer="adam", # you can use any other optimizer
) # train your model

As you can see, you can compute all the custom metrics at once. Please, remember that:

  • as they are binary classification metrics, you can only use them in binary classification problems. Maybe you’ll have some results for multiclass or regression problems, but they will be incorrect.
  • they are supposed to be used as metrics only. It means you can’t use them as losses. In fact, your loss must always be “binary_crossentropy”, since it's a binary classification problem.

Final Words

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