Dart Programming Part-2 : Operators

Jayesh Pansheriya
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2019
Photo by Émile Perron on Unsplash

Every expression is composed of two parts:

  1. Operand — They represents data.
  2. Operator — An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform a specific mathematical, relational, or logical operation and produce a final result.
  • For example, A + B where
  • Here A and B are operands and + is an operator.

we will discuss the operators that are available in Dart.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Equality and Relational Operators
  • Type test Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators

Arithmetic Operator

  • There are nine types of an arithmetic operator are there in a dart.
void main() { 
var num1 = 101;
var num2 = 2;
var res = 0;

res = num1+num2;
print("Addition: ${res}");

res = num1-num2;
print("Subtraction: ${res}");

res = num1*num2;
print("Multiplication: ${res}");

res = num1/num2;
print("Division: ${res}");

res = num1~/num2;
print("Division returning Integer: ${res}");

res = num1%num2;
print("Remainder: ${res}");

print("Increment: ${num1}");

print("Decrement: ${num2}");
Subtraction: 99
Multiplication: 202
Division: 50.5
Division returning Integer: 50
Remainder: 1
Increment: 102
Decrement: 1

Equality and Relational Operators

Relational Operators tests or defines the kind of relationship between two entities. Relational operators return a Boolean value i.e. true/ false.

void main() { 
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 9;
var res = num1>num2;
print('num1 greater than num2 :: ' +res.toString());

res = num1<num2;
print('num1 lesser than num2 :: ' +res.toString());

res = num1 >= num2;
print('num1 greater than or equal to num2 :: ' +res.toString());

res = num1 <= num2;
print('num1 lesser than or equal to num2 :: ' +res.toString());

res = num1 != num2;
print('num1 not equal to num2 :: ' +res.toString());

res = num1 == num2;
print('num1 equal to num2 :: ' +res.toString());
num1 greater than num2 :: false
num1 lesser than num2 :: true
num1 greater than or equal to num2 :: false
num1 lesser than or equal to num2 :: true
num1 not equal to num2 :: true
num1 equal to num2 :: false

Type test Operators

These operators are handy for checking types at runtime.

void main() { 
int n = 2;
print(n is int);
void main() {
double n = 2.20;
var num = n is! int;

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine two or more conditions. Logical operators return a Boolean value.

void main() {  
var a = 10;
var b = 12;
var res = (a<b)&&(b>10);
void main() {
var a = 10;
var b = 12;
var res = (a>b)||(b<10);

var res1 =!(a==b);

Conditional Expressions

Dart has two special operators which can help you to evaluate small expressions that might require an entire if-else statement

condition ? expr1 : expr2

If condition is true, then the expression evaluates expr1 (and returns its value); otherwise, it evaluates and returns the value of expr2.

void main() { 
var a = 10;
var res = a > 12 ? "value greater than 10":"value lesser than or equal to 10";
value lesser than or equal to 10

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