Data Analysis in Power BI: How to Create Dimensional Queries and Decomposition Tree

Arpita Ghosh
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2021


Guided project on OLTP to OLAP data transformation and Decomposition Tree using US Super Store Sales data

Image from Unsplash

Earlier, for any data transformation or data conversion project, we used different ETL tools. Yes, for large-scale enterprise projects, definitely we need ETL or data warehouse tools. But, using Power BI we can very well transform any transactional data to analytical data that means OLTP data model to OLAP data model.

In this blog, we are going to learn how we can create a Star-Schema data model from a transactional data file. We will explore Decomposition Tree AI visual.

Table of Contents

1. Data Set

2. Abstraction

3. Learning Objective

4. Import Data

5. Transform Data and Data Model Build up

6. Data Visualization

7. Conclusion

Data Set

I have taken US Super Store data from Kaggle for this project.

