Data Visualization — Netflix Data Set

Shashank Singhal
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2021

Welcome to the Next Post in the series of Data Visualization, of one of the best time pass and Entertainment for the people around the globe — The Netflix.
We will be going through the dataset and having an overview of the content present on the Netflix.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Let’s have an overview of the dataset

Fig 2:- Description of columns of Netflix Dataset

Moving on.. and giving a look at the data present in these columns

Fig 3:- Netflix Data Overview

Let’s Move forward and start with visualizing the data and get some insights about the data.

Firstly, lets see the Number of shows based on the type present with us.

Fig 4:- Number of shows based on types

From the above graph, we can notice we have around 5400 Movies data and 2400 TV Shows data present with us.
It indicates that No. of movies released on Netflix is higher than the No. of TV Shows released & we can say Netflix is considered more to cinema halls rather than TV sets.

Now let’s have a look the countries producing most No. of shows for Netflix.

Fig 5:- Top 20 country based on total shows

We can notice that the no. of shows originating from USA is quite huge as compared to other countries. 2nd highest is India with around 1/3rd shows of USA.

Also, we can see NA at 3rd position, don’t confuse it with North America, its actually the blank values present in the dataset. i.e. we have missing country data for around 509 rows/shows. We need to handle these missing data before doing some actual analysis of this dataset.

Now lets have a look at the No. of Movies and TV Shows produced from these countries.

Fig 6:- Top 20 country based on shows

We can see No. of Movies from USA and India is higher than the No. of TV Shows produced in these countries whereas No. of TV Shows is higher than the No. of Movies for UK, Japan and South Korea but among these TV shows from Japan and South Korea is much higher than the Movies.
Interesting.. isn’t it..!!!

Moving on further… Let’s bifurcate the data based on Year and try to get some insights from there.

Fig 7:- Top 5 countries and shows produced in last 7 years

The above graph shows the top 5 countries and the No. of shows produced by them each year.

Note:- I have purposely included NA in the graphs to show the impact if we directly remove these rows without properly handling the missing values

We can see USA produced most No. of shows in year 2019, and India in 2018.
In spite of a lockdown in most part of the world we can see a high No. of shows being produced in 2020 by USA, and personal highest for Japan as compared to previous years.

Fig 8:- No. of shows based on type in last 7 years

The above graph is a bit similar to the previous graph, it represents the No. of shows produced in last 7 years across all countries(including NA).

We can see there has been a continuous rise in No. of TV shows similar for movies also but there has been a downfall in 2020, might be due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Now let’s explore a bit more on this data and see the different ratings for the shows on Netflix

Fig 9:- No. of shows based on rating

We can see there are high no. of shows under TV-MA(Mature audience only) followed by TV-14(Parents strongly cautioned), TV-PG(Parental Guidance Suggested) and R(Restricted, Children).

We can see most of the shows in the list belong to restricted and matured audience, thus we can say that Netflix has more of matured content and should be restricted for children.

We have seen countries producing most No. of shows, so why not have a look at these shows based on ratings.

Fig 10:- No. of shows based on ratings and countries

This graph is an enhanced version of the previous graph depicting the No. of shows produced by each country under each rating.
We can see USA has the highest No. of TV-MA, TV-14 and R whereas India produces mostly TV-14 rating shows followed by TV-MA.

Similarly, for UK and Japan also their is high No. of TV-MA and TV-14 shows.

Let’s have a look at the ideal duration of these Netflix shows.

Fig 11a:- Duration of TV Shows
Fig 11b:- Duration of Movies

I have divided the graph into 2 separate graphs for TV Shows and Movies for better clarity.

For TV Shows we can see the most preferred duration is of 1 season(contains various episodes) whereas for Movies, looking at graph(Fig 11b) we can say it is ~90–100 mins.

Fig 12:- Shortest Movies

We can see we have few movies as short as 8–9 mins.
Note:- We need to verify these data for correctness.
It may be due to some error at time of data collection.

Fig 13:- Longest Movies

The Longest movie on the Netflix is about 312 min long followed by 253 min long movie, hope so content of it is good enough to keep the person glued. 😉

Would be great to read your reviews about any of these movies… Do Share them…

Fig 14:- Movies based on Genre

The above graph shows the top 10 categories of the shows being hosted on Netflix.

Interestingly we can notice that Documentaries is the highest category and if we recall from above we had TV-MA and TV-14 as the highest rating for shows.

That’s all from this Netflix Dataset, Please comment down below for getting the dataset.

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Thank A lot Guys… See You soon with some more interesting analysis…

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Happy Learning… !!! 🙂

