Image by author : the iris dataset with magma palette

Deep dive into seaborn : meet the datasets

Python plotting : All you should know about handling seaborn datasets

Yoann Mocquin
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020


In this article, we will see what are the datasets sample that seaborn provides and how to work with them. We will also see that you can configure a local-dataset repo that integrates seamlessly with seaborn interface.

Let’s get started !

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To demonstrate seaborn and its powerfull plotting functions, it is convenient to have sample datasets quickly available to plot. For this, seaborn provides a simple interface to load dataset into pandas dataframes.

List datasets

As of today (16/12/2020, seaborn v0.11), seaborn provides 18 datasets that are stored in a dedicated github repository :

