Encoding Time Series as Images

Gramian Angular Field Imaging

Louis de Vitry
Analytics Vidhya


The Deep Learning boom is largely fueled by its success in computer vision and speech recognition. However, when it comes to time series, building predictive models can be gruesome (Recurrent Neural Networks are difficult to train, research is less applicable, and no pre-trained models exist, 1D-CNN can be inconvenient).

To leverage the techniques and the insights brought by the recent developments of computer vision, I will present and discuss one way to encode time series as images: the Gramian Angular Field.

Beside the math pre-requisites (min-max scaler, dot-product and Gram Matrix), this post will contain explanations and solutions on:

  • Why is the Gram matrix structure a good 2D representation of univariate time series?
  • Why the Gram Matrix dot-product fail to represent data for CNN?
  • What is the operation that makes Gram Matrix structure ready for CNN?

as well as Python gists of:

  • Efficient numpy implementation of the Gramian Angular Field computations.
  • GIFs generation using matplotlib + movieditor.

TL:DR: We perform a polar encoding of the data followed by a Gram Matrix like operation on the resulting angles.

Various steps of the Gramian Angular Field conversion (see below for the GIF code)

Mathematics pre-requisites

Because the Mathematics of the Gramian Angular Field is intrisically linked to the inner product and the corresponding Gram Matrix, here is a reminder:

The Mathematics of this method being intrinsically linked to the inner product and the corresponding Gram Matrix, I write a brief reminder about its meaning.

Dot product

The inner product is an operation between two vectors, which measures their “similarity”. It allows the use of notions from traditional Euclidian Geometry: length, angles, orthogonality in dimension 2 and 3.

In the simplest case (2D space), the inner product between two vectors u and v is defined as:

Dot product in 2D space

and it can be shown that:

Alternative expression in 2D space

Therefore, if u and v are of norm 1, we obtain:

Inner product of units vector is characterized by their angular difference θ

Therefore, when dealing with unit vectors, their inner product is solely characterized by the angle θ (expressed in radian) between u and v. Furthermore, the resulting value lies within [-1, 1].

This properties will prove to be useful in the rest of the article.

Note: In the Euclidian setting (dimension n), the inner product of two vectors u and v is formally defined by

Inner product between u and v

Gram Matrix

The Gram Matrix is a useful tool in Linear Algebra and Geometry. Among others, it is frequently used to compute the linear dependence of a set of vectors.

Definition: the Gram Matrix of a set of n vectors is a matrix defined by the dot-product (see similarity) of every couple of vectors. Mathematically, this translates to:

Gram Matrix of a set of n vectors

Again, assuming that all 2D vectors are of norm one, we obtain:

Gram Matrix of units vector

where Φ(i, j) is the angle between vectors i and j.

Key takeaway: Why use the Gram Matrix?

The Gram Matrix preserves the temporal dependency. Since time increases as the position moves from top-left to bottom-right, the time dimension is encoded into the geometry of the matrix.

Known GAF values at different timesteps

Note: This article is also motivated by the intuition that univariate time series somehow fail to explain the co-occurence and the latent states of the data; we should aim to find alternate and richer representations.

Naïve implementation

Let’s compute the Gram Matrix of the time series values:

Scale the serie with a Min-Max scaler onto [-1, 1]

So that the inner product is not biased in favor of the observation with the largest value, we need to scale the data:

Min-Max scaling

The standard scaler is not an appropriate candidate in this use case, because both its output range and the resulting inner products can exceed [-1, 1].

However, coupled with the Min-Max scaler, the inner product does preserve the output range:

The dot product preserves the range

The choice of having dot products within [-1, 1] is not innocuous. A range of [-1, 1] is extremely desirable, if not necessary, as input range for Neural Networks.

Noisy images?

Now that the time series is scaled, we can compute pairwise dot-products and store them in the Gram Matrix:

Gram Matrix of the scaled time serie

Let’s gain insights about this imaging by inspecting the values of G:

Gram Matrix values follow a gaussian distribution (time series is a cosinus)

We observe two things:

  1. The outputs seem to follow a gaussian distribution centered around 0.
  2. The resulting image is noisy.

The former explains the latter, because the more Gaussian the data is, the harder it gets to distinguish it from Gaussian noise.

This will be a problem for our Neural Networks. Additionally, it has been established that CNN work better with sparse data.

The origin of non-sparsity

The Gaussian distribution is not very surprising. When looking at the 3D plot of the inner product values z, for every possible combination of (x, y) ∈ R², we obtain:

3D surface of the dot product

Under the assumption that the values of the time series follow a Uniform distribution [-1, 1], the Gram Matrix values follow a Gaussian-like distribution. Here are histograms of the outputs of the Gram Matrix valued for different time series lengths n:

Gram Matrix output for time series of length n (in red is the density of N(0, 0.33))

Preliminary Encoding

Why do we need one?

As univariate time series are in 1D and the dot product fails to distinguish the valuable informations from Gaussian noise, there is no other way to take advantage of “angular” relations than changing the space.

We must therefore encode the time serie into a space of at least 2 dimensions, prior to using Gram Matrix like constructs. To do so, we will construct a bijective mapping between our 1D time serie and a 2D space, so as not to lose any informations.

This encoding is largely inspired from polar coordinates transformations, except in this case, the radius coordinate expresses time.

Step 1: Scale the serie onto [-1, 1] with a Min-Max scaler

We proceed similarly than in the naïve implementation. Coupled with the Min-Max scaler, our polar encoding will be bijective, the use the arccos function bijective (see next step).

Step 2: Convert the scaled time serie into “polar coordinates”

Two quantities need to be accounted for, the value of the time series and its corresponding timestamp. These two variables will be expressed respectively with the angle and the radius.

Polar Encoding for time series

Assuming our time series is composed of N timestamps t with corresponding values x, then:

  • The angles are computed using arccos(x). They lie within [0, ∏].
  • The radius variable is computed by first, we divide the interval [0, 1] into N equal parts. We therefore obtain N+1 delimiting points {0, …, 1}. We then discard 0 and associate consecutively these points to the time series.

Mathematically, it translates to this:

2D Encoding of the scaled time serie

These encoding has several advantages:

  1. The whole encoding is bijective (as a composition of bijective functions).
  2. It preserves temporal dependency through the r coordinate. This will proved to be extremely useful[*].

An inner product for time series?

Now that we are in a 2D space, the ensuing question is how can we use the inner product like operations to work with sparsity.

Why not the inner product of the polar encoded values?

The inner product in the 2D polar space has several limitations, because the norm of each vector has been adjusted for the time dependency. More precisely:

  • An inner product between two distinct observations will be biased in favor of the most recent one (because the norm increases with time).
  • When computing the inner product of an observation with itself, the resulting norm is biased as well.

Therefore, if an inner product like operation was to exist, it should solely depend on the angle.

Using angles

As any inner product like operations irremediably casts the information of two distinct observations into one value, we cannot preserve the information given by the two angles altogether. We have to make some concessions.

To explain at best the individual and joined informations on the two angles, the author defines an alternative operation to the inner product:

Custom operation

where the θ are the respective angles from x and y encoding.

Note: I choose a different symbol rather than using the inner product for reasons because this operation does not satisfy the requirements of an inner product (linearity, definite positive).

This results in the following Gram-like Matrix:

The author motivates his choice by : “Second, as opposed to Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates preserve absolute temporal relations.”


  1. The diagonal is made of the original value of the scaled time series (we will approximately reconstruct the time series from the high level features learned by the deep neural network.)
  2. Temporal correlations are accounted for with the relative correlation by superposition of directions with respect to time interval k. PRECISE

Toward a sparser representation?

Let’s now plot the density of the Gramian Angular Field values:

The Gramian Angular Field is less noisy / sparser than the Gram Matrix.

As we can see from the plot above, the Gramian Angular Field is much sparser. To explain this, let’s re-express uv in Cartesian coordinates:

Converting back the expression in Cartesian coordinates

We notice in the last term above that the newly constructed operation corresponds to a penalized version of the conventional inner product:

New operation = Penalized Inner Product

Let’s gain some insights on the role of this penalty. Let’s first have a look at the 3D plot of the full operation:

3D plot of the operation

As we can see:

  • The penalty shifts the mean output towards -1.
  • The closer x and y are to 0, the larger is the penalty. The main consequence is that points which were closer to the gaussian noise … (with the dot) are (with the penalized dot)
  • For x = y: it is casted to -1
  • The outputs are easily distinguishable from Gaussian Noise.


  • With the main diagonal, however, the generated GAM is large due to the augmentation n ⟼n², where the length of the raw time series is n. The author suggests to reduce the size of the GAF by applying Piecewise Aggregation Approximation (Keogh and Pazzani 2000).
  • It is not an inner product..

Show me the code!

A numpy implementation to convert univariate time series into an image and other python code used for this article can be found here.

As for the gif, I will release it soon (implemented with matplotlib, numpy and moviepy).


This blogpost is largely inspired from the detailed paper Encoding Time Series as Images for Visual Inspection and Classification Using Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks, by Zhiguang Wang and Tim.

This paper also mentions another interesting encoding technique: Markov Transition Field. This encoding will not be covered in this article.





Louis de Vitry
Analytics Vidhya

Math student at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.