Essential Math for DataScience — Linear Algebra

Row Vector, Column Vector, Dot Product

Indhumathy Chelliah
Analytics Vidhya


Linear Algebra for Data Science

A good understanding of linear algebra is much needed for understanding many machine learning algorithms.

In this article, we will learn about vectors, the dot product of vectors, and the geometric representation of the dot product in detail.

Table of Content

  1. How point is represented as a vector?
  2. Distance between point and origin
  3. Distance between two points
  4. Row Vector, Column Vector, Matrix
  5. Mathematical Operations on Vector
  6. Dot Product between two vectors
  7. Geometric Interpretation of the Dot Product

How a Point is Represented as a Vector?

Let us consider a point P in 2-D space.

Image by Author

Coordinates of Point P is (2,3). The first number tells how far to walk along the x-axis from the origin and then the second number tells how…

