desing by Huseyin Elci

ETL Processing With Python & SQLAlchemy

Huseyin Elci
Analytics Vidhya


Understanding Extract, Transform and Loading (ETL) in Data Driven world with an example in codes Python and SQLAlchemy.

Data Driven people, be it a programmer, business analyst, data scientist or database developer, has been developing ETL pipeline directly or indirectly. For data-driven businesses, ETL is a must.

What is the ETL?

In computing, extract, transform, load (ETL) is the general procedure of copying data from one or more sources into a destination system which represents the data differently from the source(s) or in a different context than the source(s). The ETL process became a popular concept in the 1970s and is often used in data warehousing. 1

You can extract data from any data sources such as Files, any RDBMS or NoSql Database, Websites (with scrabing) or real-time user or machine activity (from Kafka). Transform the acquired data and then load the transformed data into a data warehouse for your business uses such as reporting, analytics or visualization.

ETL is a 3 main steps process:

  1. Extracting Data from single or multiple Data Sources. Transforming Data as per business logic.
  2. Transformation is in itself a two steps process. Data cleaning and data manipulation.
  3. Loading transformed data into the target data source, data warehouse or data mart.


The first part of an ETL process involves extracting the data from the source system(s). In many cases, this represents the most important aspect of ETL, since extracting data correctly sets the stage for the success of subsequent processes. Most data-warehousing projects combine data from different source systems.


In this stage, a series of rules or functions are applied to the extracted data in order to prepare it for loading into the end target.

An important function of transformation stage is data cleansing, which aims to pass only most ‘proper’ data to the target.

In this stage uses label encoding, cleaning from null values, calculating some group or aggregations, splitting or any transforming.


The load phase loads the data into the end target, which can be any data store including a simple delimited flat file or a data warehouse. 2 Depending on the requirements of the organization, this process varies widely. Some data warehouses may overwrite existing information with cumulative information; updating extracted data is frequently done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

ETL should not be confused with a tool like Informatica, DataBricks or Airflow. It is a data processing concept that can be created with programming languages and the help of various tools.

Creating ETL pipeline

Let’s we establish ETL pipeline. Data engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers and data analysts mostly use data. And these mostly use the Python scripting language.

Wherefore, here we will establish our ETL pipeline by using Python programming language with SQLAlchemy. (You can use sqlite3, etc wıth Pythoninstead of SQLAlchemy) It shouldn’t forget Python comes with lots of different libraries that help to establish tens of Data Analytics, Data Visualization or Data Science solutions.

Here is my simple 3 main steps process for ETL:

  • Extract data from .sqlite file with SQLAlchemy
  • Transform / Manipulate Data with pandas
  • Load Data into .sqlite Database with SQLAlchemy

Code Source

The python code source is available in the my Github repository. You can view it freely. Click it

Data Source

The Source owner is Luis Rocha Download File Chinook is a sample database available for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc. It can be created by running a single SQL script. Chinook database is an alternative to the Northwind database, being ideal for demos and testing ORM tools targeting single and multiple database servers.


In this project is OpenSource and owner is Luis Rocha. Also, if you plan to use this database in your article research or else you must taken and read main Source in the Luis Rocha repository.


Huseyin ELCI | Github | Kaggle | Linkedin | Medium |


Thanks to Luis Rocha for providing cool data which we can create a cutting edge project.

Originally published at

