Everything you Need to Know About D3.JS

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2020


A few months ago I started a project that required data visualisation and I needed to work out which library to use. There are tens and tens of JS libraries that are available. I finally came to the conclusion of using D3.JS but not after a lot of investigation.

Here is what I’ve learnt.

What is D3.JS?

D3.js is known as a data visualization library, these kinds of libraries are tools for the graphical representation of data. They use elements such as charts or graphs to demonstrate relationships of data and simply show trends and patterns of important information to users.

“D3 combines powerful visualization and interaction techniques with a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation” — D3.js

The way that this particular library does this is by harnessing the latest web standards including SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics — defines vector-based graphics in XML format), HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and Canvas API (which is a way to draw graphics on the fly using JS).

D3, or DDD, actually stands for Data-Driven Documents.

It is very similar if not the same to how to modern JS/TS frameworks bind data to their views through one or two-way binding. Essentially what this means is that when you create an element in your HTML, you bind the data you want to be associated to it and as that data changes the element its attach to reacts to those changes or vice versa.

Why does it have so much support?

  1. License

It’s Open Source, which is perfect if you’re looking to ship it as part of your product. If you’re not aware when a library is Open Source, this means that the library is free to use and may be modified and redistributed.

2. GitHub Project

At the time of writing this article, the D3.JS project has 92.2K stars in comparison to another popular data visualisation library ChartJS, that has 49.3K stars. So It’s supported and used by a lot of people.

It has had several releases since it began 10 years ago and is still being maintained, the latest release being v5.16 in April of 2020.

There are currently 0 bugs open, but they have closed 299.

3. Compatability

As D3 harnesses the latest web standards, this means that the cross-browser compatibility is based on the elements you use. For example, if you use SVG to draw the data visualisations using D3.JS it will be supported as far as SVG is.

As you can see below the latest web standards like SVG are supported across the majority of browsers.

4. Learning

This is probably one of the most well-documented libraries I have ever used, the API’s are well explained, each given with examples.


This library also has 100’s of external tutorials, there are an endless amount of resources.



What can you do with it?

A lot!

The API’s that D3 provides are vast. They enable you to draw and animate visualisations as well as calculate the data structure required to mold your data into different views. A few of my favourites include hierarchies, chord layout and quadtree.

Take a look at the full list here: https://github.com/d3/d3/blob/master/API.md

How do you use it?

The way I see it, D3 has two faces. On the one hand, you can leverage its APIs to format your data to be represented in whichever visualisation you like and let your JS/TS framework handle the drawing side. For example, if you’re using Angular/React/Vue.js, you can bind the data after it’s been manipulated by D3 to your HTML template, and let Angular/React/Vue.js handle the animation/styling etc.

On the other hand, if you’re using Vanilla JS you can utilise D3’s animation, zooming, styling and selection API’s to draw the visualisations as well as bind the data that has been manipulated by D3’s API’s.


One of the most common articles I read on D3 said that it’s an overwhelming library and it’s really hard for people to pick up. But having implemented D3.js now, I can say that the hardest part is understanding how it works. However, once you’ve understood D3’s two-faces it’s far simpler to get on with. Then all you need to do is decide which way you want to use D3 and it’s plane sailing from thereon.

