Exploration of Iris dataset using scikit learn Part 1

Jalal Mansoori
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2020


Step by Step tutorial for loading and exploring the Iris dataset!

What you’ ill gonna learn :

  1. How to load builtin datasets from the scikit learn module?
  2. How to get Features and target data?
  3. Some basic useful function to explore dataset insights
  4. Video Demonstration

Welcome back Machine learning enthusiasts :)

Loading Datasets

This is how we load a builtin dataset from scikit learn datasets module

from sklearn.datasets import load_irisiris= load_iris()

It’s pretty intuitive right it says that go to sklearn datasets and then import/get iris dataset and store it in a variable named iris.

After writing import l click Tab button on keyboard and you can find other builtin datasets as well.

Now we have loaded iris dataset let’s print its features/input and target/output

Storing Features and Target of Iris dataset

# Store features matrix in X
X= iris.data
#Store target vector in
y= iris.target



Jalal Mansoori
Analytics Vidhya

I am a Computer Science graduate and I find myself somewhere at the intersection of Learn, Create, and Share. https://medium.com/@jalalmansoori/membership