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Exploratory Data Analysis on Youtube Statistics
This article is prepared to present the pieces of information about the data analysis that I did on youtube statistics. Firstly, you should know that English is not my main language so I’m waiting for your comments about my writing flaws. So let’s start.
Well, at the end of my very first week at Istanbul Data Science Academy, our instructor wanted a project about exploratory data analysis, that will be presented by us next week. In this context, I extracted a data frame from Kaggle website about youtube video statistics which includes these countries: USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, and Canada.
Before the beginning of my data analysis, I want to briefly explain What is Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA)?
What is Exploratory Data Analysis?
EDA, also known as Data Exploration, is an approach to analyzing data sets to get knowledge and insights about data that we have. To build robust machine learning models we need to understand our data and EDA is the optimal method to achieve that with the powerful python libraries such as pandas, seaborn, etc.
These are just a few reasons that is why EDA is so important:
1. Identifying outliers, missing values.