Extract The Useful Data from JSON File For Machine Learning

Ankit Gupta
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2018

You need the following things before you start parsing and extraction:

  1. JASON File. (Download the file)
  2. Jupyter NoteBook.
  3. Some essential Modules named as Numpy, Matplotlib and many more.
  4. Jason Parser(to understand data of Jason file for extraction of useful Data).
Fig1:JSON Parser Online to Analyze

5. GitHub Account(store your current project).

6. Code Begins —

  • Functions that the OS module provides allows you to interface with the underlying operating system that Python is running on — be that Windows, Mac or Linux.

NumPy package is used to perform different operations while Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy.

  • Import the following packages:
Fig2:Output of above Code/ Try to run the code line by line to better intuition.
Fig3:Output of the above Code.
Fig4:Output of the above Code.

In the code ……..

fill ="yellow"           # Use for Colour

In the code……..

draw.polygon((points), fill = “green”) #Use for draw the Polygon .

In the code………

image.show()             #Use for show the image .

In the code……..

image.save(kk)           #Use for saving the image .


Analyze the Code and Perform #Code# line by line .

Also Go to my github Profile for more better intuition of code .

Thank you for reading …………………………………………………….

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