Fetch data from Kaggle with Python

Short and useful info on how to connect to Kaggle with code.

Hana Rumbak
Analytics Vidhya


Photo by Andrew Pons on Unsplash

Nowadays, based on the situation in the world, most analysis is somehow involved in COVID-19 research. Probably, every company that has even slightly interest in pandemic spreading and “behavior” demands from data analysts to fetch data and analyze it. Since COVID-19 is data that has an update every day, it comes handy when you can have “all in one place” regarding code in your notebook.

Let me show you how to interact with the Kaggle page through Python code.

This article is — pretty simple but useful.

Topics that will be covered:

1. Connect to Kaggle with API

2. Interact with competitions

3. Interact with datasets

Let’s start coding!

Connect to Kaggle with API

First things first, if you want to interact with Kaggle, you must sign up and have an account. With an account, you will be able to enter the competitions, view other notebooks, codings and also download datasets for your analysis and other transformations.

Before we explore more, for accessing Kaggle API we need to install it:



Hana Rumbak
Analytics Vidhya

Data engineer || Data science enthusiast || Mother || Writer