Find The Hidden Face in Aphex Twin’s Famous Song with Python

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2020

It might sound weird at first but one of Aphex Twin’s famous song’s name ision editor has reviewed your ΔMi−1 = −∂Σn=1NDi[n][Σj∈C{i}Fji[n − 1] + Fexti[[n−1]]. The name is obviously an equation, however, it is a mystery that whether this equation makes sense or not.

There is something which is more interesting than the song’s name. The artist hid a face in the song which can be seen by creating a spectrogram and analyzing it in log scale. But what is spectrogram?

Spectrogram can be called as visual representation of frequencies of a given signal with time. In a spectrogram representation plot, one axis represents the time, the second axis represents frequencies and the colors represent magnitude (amplitude) of the observed frequency at a particular time. An example spectrogram representation example is below. and bright colors represent strong frequencies.

We will now create a spectrogram and show the hidden face in the song. To do this, we will do following steps :

  • Read left stereo of .wav file (last 36 seconds of song where the hidden face is) by the help of read function of library and take left stereo.
  • Normalize the signal according to its max value.
  • Define two parameters:
    – Window Size: Size of the rectangular window.
    – Step: It is unnecessary to calculate the FFTs for every data point. Thus, starting from 0 th data point, you should decide on next data points according to step value.
  • Extract windows and make hanning window multiplied it with amplitudes before passing it to FFT to handle discontinuity of small signal.
  • Work on the first half of FFT and calculate absolute values.
  • Use 10 * log10(x + c) to smooth the data for a better representation.
  • The final 2D spectrogram matrix whichh rows and columns represent window frame number and frequency bin, values represent the strength of the frequencies is created.
  • Use pcolormesh function of matplotlib is to obtain a visual from the data.
  • The artist hid the face into log scale. So, ’y scale’ is selected as

That’s it, now we can show the hidden face artist hid.

Here is the Python implementation:

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Analytics Vidhya

4th Grade Computer Engineering Student @Istanbul Tecnical University