Finding New Customers using Machine Learning

Huseyin Elci
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
11 min readJul 25, 2020


Create a Customer Segmentation Report for Arvato Financial Services.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction and Problem Statement
  2. Project Structure and Data
  3. Project Components
  4. Improvements
  5. Conclusion section


This analysis of the Bertelsmann-Arvato data set will be a customer segmentation where a data set compiled with customers from a mail-order company is compared with a data set sampled from the general population of Germany…

Data in this project provided as Bertelsmann Arvato Analytics:

  • Demographics data of customers of a mail-order sales company in Germany,
  • Was analyzed and compared against demographics information for the general population.

Problem Statement

The main question of interest is to predict the population that are most likely to be customers of their products for a mail-out campaign.

Be apply supervised and unsupervised learning to reach this aim.

Unsupervised learning helps us find the similarities within the clusters. I will apply H2O-Kmeans to find clusters. After predicting & analyzing the clusters I will be able to predict Potential Customers from Azdias dataset.

While unsupervised learning helps us to find similar records, supervised learning will let us predict directly each record class. Our problem is a classification problem as target values are [0,1] represents not potential and potential customers respectively. I will use Lightgbm, XGBoost, CatBoost, Random Forest, Logistic Regression classifier algorithms with sklearn library to predict whether each person is a potential customer or not.


This project was planned in 4 main part process:

  • Data cleaning and Data processing
  • Implementing of Unsupervised Learning after investigation of important features for customer segmentation
  • Implementing of Supervised Learning
  • Kaggle Competition

PART 0 : Data cleaning and Data processing
There are several things which have to be done to a raw data set before you can use it for an Analysis:

  • Exploratory data analysis to according to statistics of features
  • Processing of missing values
  • Transform features and refactoring code

PART 1: Customer Segmentation Report
The purpose in this part is to find features describing the typical customer for the mail order company and to find the part of the population which is not in the focus of the company yet.
Because of that, have done the project with analyze features of established customers and the general population in order to create customer segments by using unsupervised learning methods.

PART 2: Supervised Learning
The purpose of this part is to train an algorithm to be able to find customers who will respond positive to a mailout campaign.
Did to apply Supervised Learning to investigate MAILOUT-TRAIN and MAILOUT-TEST datasets to predict a person became a customer or not of the mail-order company following the campaign.

The model of the algorithm is chosen with the help of learning curves and the best parameters.

PART 3: Kaggle Competition
The model obtained from trained and parameterized part 3 is applied to implementation, a test dataset in Kaggle, and loaded and rated.

Summarize of Data

  • Udacity_AZDIAS_052018
    Demographics data for the general population of Germany:
    891 211 persons (rows) x 366 features (columns)
  • Udacity_AZDIAS_052018
    Demographics data for customers of a mail-order company:
    191 652 persons (rows) x 369 features (columns)
  • Udacity_MAILOUT_052018_TRAIN
    Demographics data for individuals who were targets of a marketing campaign:
    42 982 persons (rows) x 367 (columns)
  • Udacity_MAILOUT_052018_TEST
    Demographics data for individuals who were targets of a marketing campaign:
    42 833 persons (rows) x 366 (columns)

Summarıze of Features

  • There is information about what 314 columns are in the data attribute files. Among this information, had information of only 233 columns from 368 columns in datasets. From Germany and interested in the project Someone wrote addıtıonal information for 24 of them in the forum.
  • Observed that there are 3 columns of differences between Azdias and Customers data sets.


  • The files were imported to do some exploratory data analysis. In the beginning, descriptive statistics and calculated distribution of missing values in the dataset were analyzing.
  • The features of both data sets were synchronized.
  • Rows that are 80% null have been dropped.
  • The missing values ​​of the columns were examined. Columns with missing values at the ‘high’ level were observed to have the same columns in datasets of Azdias and Customers. The number of the same columns are 8.
  • Encoding some Columns:
    Unsupervised learning techniques use only work on numerically features. Because of this make a few encoding changes or additional assumptions to be able to make continue.
    Also, CUSTOMERS dataset contains is target dataset as our customer’s source data. Therefore, we will act on the column investigation on this dataset. As we begin this work, which is a preliminary preparation for Encoding, which we will use before implementing the model, we will start with the columns with high ‘nunique’ value.

Here is the purpose is to identify important columns and significantly reduce these feature’s unique values.

Encoding of ‘RAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE’ feuture
RAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE, In this column give us two different information. One is time serisi, other is two type (Mainstream - Avant Garde)
Must convert mixed information code into two different columns.

1 : 40ies - war years (Mainstream,O+W)
2 : 40ies - reconstruction years (Avantgarde,O+W)
3 : 50ies - economic miracle (Mainstream,O+W)
4 : 50ies - milk bar / Individualisation (Avantgarde,O+W)
5 : 60ies - economic miracle (Mainstream,O+W)
6 : 60ies - generation 68 / student protestors (Avantgarde,W)
7 : 60ies - opponents to the building of the Wall (Avantgarde,O)
8 : 70ies - family orientation (Mainstream,O+W)
9 : 70ies - peace movement (Avantgarde,O+W)
10 : 80ies - Generation Golf (Mainstream,W)
11 : 80ies - ecological awareness (Avantgarde,W)
12 : 80ies - FDJ/communist party youth organisation (Mainstream,O)
13 : 80ies - Swords into ploughshares (Avantgarde,O)
14 : 90ies - digital media kids (Mainstream,O+W)
15 : 90ies - ecological awareness (Avantgarde,O+W)

Encode and Investigation of ‘GEBURTSJAHR’ feuture
GEBURTSJAHR, In this column give us year of birth. This column type is numeric.

Result: We use this column GEBURTSJAHR after below process:

  • In this column it has 0 (zero). That means wrong or no entry. We should replace zero with NaN
  • Divided the values into categorical with {190:193, 191:193, 192:193, 200:199, 201:np.NaN}

Investigation of ‘EINGEFUEGT_AM’ feature
EINGEFUEGT_AM , In this column gives us year-mount-day information. We transform year to index from EINGEFUEGT_AM feature into EINGEFUEGT_ind

Most probably first records are taken like 22 years ago and that year contains almost %60 of data. Also last 16 to 21 years contains ~%90 of data.

Result: We drop this column due to huge skewness. Drop columns of EINGEFUEGT_idn that created a new, and EINGEFUEGT_AM.

Each of the above features was examined separately. Unnecessary features deleted. Label encoding was performed for each of the others.

  • If Missing values are filling with mean will introduce decimals into data set and this case can affect efficiency. Because of this, missing values replaced with MODE of each column. Because of this, missing values replaced with each column’s MODE after removing duplicates rows.

Using 4 different models, we tried to identify the important features in 366 features. Used GBM, RF, XGBoost, and StackedEnsemble from H2o library. After examining the scores of the columns I obtained from each model, I found 57 important features. In the next stages, these 57 features will be used.

In this section, I will talk about how I deal with unsupervised learning to analyze the characteristics of customer segments.

First of all, let’s not forget that there is an IMBALANCE problem in our data set. (Azdias-Customers ~ 17%, Mailout Train- 1.1%) I observed this in exploratory data analysis. After applying PCA, I found that the number of components that would represent 90–95% of data is more than 200 components. Therefore, I decided to use the important features I obtained with feature engineering in the previous section.

The scores I achieved scores with feature important from XGBoost were better than the scores of after applying PCA. That’s why I chose to use important features only.

After decide that, the next step is to determine the optimal number of clusters. The elbow method was used for this with KElbowVisualizer by Yellowbrick library.

The average within-cluster distance across variance K clusters were calculated and plotted. It was decided that 4 clusters would be a good result.

Now it’s time for implementing and clustering. Here, was used H2OKMeansEstimator algorithm inside of h2o.estimators by H2o and plotted with Pyplot by Matplotlib library. Let me tell you without forgetting, I applied clustering the Mailout-Train and Mailout-Test data sets immediately after applying the Azdias-Customers data set.

Clusterin for Azdias-Customers Data Sets
Clusterin for Mailout Data Sets

In order to get customers, if the following order is followed in the cluster selection, it can get positive results quickly.

  • Cluster 3 and Cluster 1 are the very best segment for customers
  • Cluster 0 may good also
  • Cluster 2 is very bad.

Data Cleaning phase was turned into Pipeline and applied for Mailout-Train and Mailout-Test. Data were then arranged according to the important features.
Before modeling RandomOverSampling by the library of Sklearn (sampling_strategy = 0.25) has been done to solve the imbalance problem.

This process is classifier Because of this, I choose and tried Lightgbm, XGBoost, CatBoost, Random Forest, Logistic Regression classifier models by the library of Sklearn.

Before applying the VotingClassifier algorithm in Ensemble modeling, I made the adjustment for the imbalance problem. I added some records from the Customers dataset to the Mailout-Train dataset instead of OverSampling artificially. This second model yielded better results, albeit less than the first model.

When I comparing Base Model, Improved Model, and Improved Control, I saw VotingClassifier and LGBMClassifier will give us the best result. Because of that, the fine tuned VotingClassifier will be used with the Mailout-Test set.
The Improved Model best model scored around 0.815448 from LGBM and 0,871796 from VotingClassifier. Used predicting of the test label using this VotingClassifier model.

Now, will done of classification of Mailout-Test data with best model trained on train data. In here, all models will be estimated. But will submitted just prediction of the fine-tuned VotingClassifier model.


There are a lot of different approaches and solutions that can be applied from data cleaning to model training. As it is a real-life problem, If the features knowledge will known, the result will be better since the column selections will be different. To sum up, increase the performance of the supervised learning model, the following parts can be performed:

  • Learn more about the feature to improve feature engineering,
  • Handle unbalanced data: under-sampling or oversampling,
  • Increase features or PCA components.
  • The LightGBM model could be improved by running more extensive hyper-parameter tuning.Trying out more hyper parameter tuning of the best classifier so far and using the best optimized classifier model.


  • 4 clusters were obtained with Kmean. If Cluster 3 and Cluster 1 are chosen in the clusters, it can get positive results quickly. Cluster 3 and Cluster 1 are the very best segment for potential customers.
  • This process is classifier. Because of this, I choose and tried Lightgbm, XGBoost, CatBoost, Random Forest, Logistic Regression classifier models by the library of Sklearn. “Classifier models based on tree algorithms are robust to outliers. Tree algorithms split the data points on the basis of the same value and so the value of outlier won’t affect that much to the split.”(6)
    A Voting classifier model combines multiple different models into a single model, which is more powerful than any of the individual models alone. “The idea behind the VotingClassifier is to combine conceptually different machine learning classifiers and use a majority vote, weighting, or the average predicted probabilities (soft vote) to predict the class labels. Such a classifier can be useful for a set of equally well performing model in order to balance out their individual weaknesses.” (3) Within this context, I combined the cluster models that I use with VotingClassifier according to their weight by defining high weight to models that give good scores.
  • My best result for ROC-AUC Score from these models is 0.79613 from Lightgbm.
    After new oversampling to data set improved best ROC-AUC scored around 0.8063 from Lightgbm and other one is 0,8588 from VotingClassifier. Use predicting of the test label using this VotingClassifier model.
  • Also Mailout-Test results are {1: 3531, 0 : 33669} with VotingClassifier model.


  • Trained a K-means model on the general-customers population data sets. Used the model to cluster the customer data for the customer segmentation and then was compared distributions of clusters.
  • Stacking and Voting were useful than a single model result.
  • It would be nice if we present our findings to the customer and receive feedback.
  • Two challenges of this project is the large data size and the data imbalance. Cleaning of this big data and applying GridSearcheCV to the models also requires serious time and machine performance. For the solution, it should spend some more time to get to know the columns and seek high performance without disabling the important columns.
  • Implementing GridSearchCV with 10–128 variations for each model was a mistake for me. Was be wiser to focus only on LGBM and XGBoost models.
  • Public code for this analysis may be found in its Github repository.

Some resources used for this project:
(1) Visualization
(2) Documentation
(3) Ensemble-Voting Classifier
(4) For GridSearch
Some Articles: (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)

