Five Steps to Create a Chess App 2/5

Step 2: adding a view onto screen in Main.storyboard

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019


In step 1 we created the empty Chess app without changing anything Xcode provided us. In this step we’ll add a view onto the white “screen”, which is actually another view.

Click “Main.storyboard” on the left navigation panel. Then from the right bottom, change the template to “View as: iPad Pro 9.7”.

View as: iPad Pro 9.7"

Let’s change to background color to yellow. Click the top right icon to show right panel if it was hidden.

we need the right panel to change background color

Select a yellow color in field “Background”. Then click the “+” button on the top right to find a view in system library.

click the “+” button on the top right

When the “Objects” dialog pops up, scroll down to find “View”. Drag and drop it onto our yellow view, or the canvas.

drag “View” and drop it onto the yellow area

We get a white rectangle, the view on which we’re gonna draw our chess board eventually. Since chess board has 8x8 squares, let’s configure its width and height to 640x640 to make our life a little easier, with each square 80x80 in size. Click the ruler icon near the top right corner.

click the ruler icon near the top right corner

It shows the current geometry data of our white little rectangle, i.e. the top left anchor coordinates are (264, 448) and width 240, height 128.

our white view has size 240x128 currently

We can type in 640 for in both “Width” and “Height” fields. Then drag it back to the center of the yellow screen, roughly.

roughly centered 640x640 white view, our canvas to draw chess board later

Run the app to check on iPad simulator.

a roughly centered 640x640 white view on iPad simulator

