Flask : Build Contact Form

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2020


In this post, we will learn how create a contact form using Flask. The result will be like this :

I. Build Contact Form

All script are available on: https://github.com/Faouzizi/flaskCreateContactForms

First of all you need to install flask and flask_wtf using pip : pip install flask flask_wtf.

a. Create our html contact page

Here we will add all fields that we want to retrieve.

<!-- here we add our contact forms -->
{% block content %}
<div class="contact">
<h3>Contact us</h3>
<!-- Just here i use "url_for" to call the function get_contact.
This function return the html code of our contact page-->
<form action="{{ url_for('get_contact') }}" method=post>
<!-- name forms -->
{{ form.name.label }} <br>
{{ form.name(placeholder='Your name') }}
<!-- email forms -->
{{ form.email.label }} <br>
{{ form.email(placeholder='Your e-mail ...') }}
<!-- Subject of your request -->
{{ form.subject.label }}<br>
{{form.subject(placeholder='Your subject ...')}}
<!-- Content of your



Analytics Vidhya

Data scientist with 4 years experience. I worked in different field like Marketing digital, Consulting and currently I work for a start-up in finance.