Google Cloud Spanner : A Revolutionary Relational Database

Suraj Mishra
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2020


Cloud Spanner is a Relational Database but it's different than traditional databases such as MySQL, Amazon RDS or PostgreSQL. In this blog, we will see why it's different and why I think it is revolutionary.

Originally Published at

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to cloud spanner
  • Cloud Spanner is revolutionary
  • Configuring Cloud Spanner Instances Options
  • How Schema & Data Model Looks Like ?
  • How Replication Works In Cloud Spanner?
  • Follow Some Best Practices

Introduction to cloud spanner

  • Google Cloud Spanner is relational database management system like Cloud SQL on GCP. But it is different than traditional relational databases

What makes it different than Cloud SQL on GCP or Azure SQL or Amazon RDS ?

  • It is globally distributed, whereas Cloud SQL is regional.
  • It can scale horizontally , that means it can add more nodes to the cluster as data grows. Hence it can support any data size, while Cloud SQL has limitation of 10 TB.
  • It offers strong consistency despite of being…

