Guide to Installing Anaconda in Windows 10

Khin Maung Htay
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2019

When we get started ourselves working on Machine Learning and Deep Learning AI, we would essentially have to install a bunch of packages. This is actually sometimes troublesome for most of us. To make it easier for that, Anaconda comes in as a package manager that is going to manage our new packages installation and deployment.

At first, visit the following link: and the page will pop up like this.

Scroll down the page and select windows.

Download Python 3.7 Version (Recommended) as Python version 2 will have no more support by the community at the end of 2019. Depending on your computer system, choose either 32-bit or 64-bit installer to download the .exe file.

After downloading the file, run the file. The file will open, Click Next

And click I Agree to the license.

Choose Just Me and click Next

Choose the installation location by clicking Browse or leave it as it is (default location) and continue to click Next.

Here, it is highly recommended to choose the second one “Register Anaconda as my default Python 3.7” and click Install

Once the installation is done, open the Anaconda Prompt from Windows start menu bar.

Anaconda Prompt is shell similar to Windows Command Prompt (Windows Terminal) powered by Anaconda distribution. To check whether we have successfully installed Anaconda or not, type python command in the shell.

> python

and the output will be thrown out with Python version and the symbol will be changed to from > to >>> showing it as a Python interpreter.

To exit from the python interpreter, enter exit command as below.

>>> exit()

What if we want to access Anaconda from Windows Command Prompt? Follow this along if you want to do that. At first, from Anaconda Prompt, enter this command to check the location of Anaconda.

> where conda

Press Windows Key + R to open up the Run box. Type sysdm.cpl in the box and click OK .

System Properties window will pop up. Then, go to Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.

In Environment Variables window, select Path and click Edit to edit the path.

Inside the Edit Environment Variable window, click New to add the paths.

Add these three locations inside it. Enter your username in the place of *UserName*. Here, I am using Anaconda latest version Anaconda3 and if you tend to use older versions, change the version numbers as well.


After all the above steps are done, open the Windows Command Prompt from the Run box by typing cmd and hit OK.

In the command prompt, enter the command

> conda

and will see several lines appeared. It means we can successfully execute Anaconda commands right from our favourite Windows terminal.

Last but not least, in order to check the conda version. Enter this command below.

> conda — - version


