How I Put My Mind Under Version Control

Using Github and command-line utilities to sync and version control my Zettelkasten

Bryan Jenks
Analytics Vidhya


So I use Obsidian as my app of choice to curate my ZettelKasten.

I keep my vault on iCloud for storage and redundancy but on other machines like my firewalled work machine, I can’t access iCloud but I can access GitHub. So I have my vault set up as a repository on GitHub. To keep all my notes, configs, and workspace settings in sync with my home machine when I leave the house I set up auto-syncing to GitHub that I can take advantage of anywhere. Here’s how I did it:

Prepare Your Repository

0. You need git installed, and this works seamlessly if you have your credentials cached so you do not need to enter your password on `git push` commands for more on caching FCC has a great article on this.

to store your credentials for your system you can use this command to be prompted for your credentials, enter them once, and have them stored for future git interactions:

1.Next we need to make an empty repo on GitHub to host our ZettelKasten where we can push and pull changes, to across multiple machines, and have version control on our notes.



Bryan Jenks
Analytics Vidhya

Information Technology Associate with, YouTuber, and perpetual student