How To Call Package Citations in R programming

Citations in Data Science Projects Are Increasingly Necessary. Here’s an Overview.

Pierre DeBois
Analytics Vidhya


RStudio screenshot of citation example by author

Some of the most important developments in R programming is a selection of libraries and dependencies for data models. When writing papers on these models it becomes necessary to cite the authors of a package and its documentation. Doing so attributes the right teams to the work they created. It also can build good will between you and the authors: You recognized their work and the value that work has on your creation.

When it comes to documentation, there is a format for using citations in R programming. Up until now citations have been seldom used— I have rarely seen it mentioned in blog posts unless it was written for a dedicated academic audience.

But over time the number of science professionals that use R will increase citation usage. More papers centered on data and data models require indications of how a reproduced project was sourced. Moreover, much of the work in data science is collaborative among individuals and teams to deliver the final project. This means an increasing need to understand how work was referred and how packages to support that work was authored. Thus, upholding the qualities of an academic citation standard is becoming widespread.



Pierre DeBois
Analytics Vidhya

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