How to create Fact and Dimension tables from denormalized raw data

Ganesh Chandrasekaran
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2020


In data warehousing world there are occasions where developers have to reverse engineer model from flat csv files. This article explains the process with a simple example.

Source: CSV with 5 rows & 7 columns
Database : PostgreSQL
Hosted on : AWS RDS Free Tier

Requirements : psql cli (more info)

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Sample Data

Step 1 : Preview the data

Mac / Linux users can use cat or head command to preview the data

$ cat sampleData.csv | more
$ head sampleData.csv

Windows users can Excel or

c:\samplefolder> type sampleData.csv | more

Step 2 : Login to Postgresql using psql

$ psql -h host-or-servername -d postgres -U yourusername -W-W is needed as it enforces to enter password

Step 3 : Create Database, Schema & Rawdata table



Ganesh Chandrasekaran
Analytics Vidhya

Big Data Solution Architect | Adjunct Professor. Thoughts and opinions are my own and don’t represent the companies I work for.