How to Handle Common Selenium Issues Using Python (Part 1)

Solve most of your Selenium challenges

Amal Hasni
Geek Culture


Written by: Amal Hasni & Dhia Hmila

Featured image for Selenium WebDriver challenges and solutions
Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

I have recently had the idea to use Selenium with Python to automatize some repetitive tasks on SAP for a client. And as it always is the case when getting your hands dirty with code, I started to come across some challenges I never saw coming. Having spent a lot of time going through the internet trying to find the most suitable solution for each issue, I thought to myself:

How nice it would’ve been if I had found everything I needed gathered in one place, ready for use ?

So, to make your lives easier, I gathered in this article, the answers to the most frequent issues a user could encounter when using Selenium along with ready to use code snippets written in Python.

P.S. If you don’t feel at home yet with Selenium basics, you can check out our Getting started with selenium article first:



Amal Hasni
Geek Culture

Data Scientist at Allianz, technology enthusiast eager to learn and spread knowledge! /in/amal-hasni/