How to install Jupyter Notebook without Anaconda in Ubuntu OS

Vignesh Kathirkamar
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2021

If you are reading this article then you would obviously know about Anaconda (not the snake !!), if not refer to this post

Now let’s directly jump into the installation process. This article is an extension of the Quora space post Installing virtual environments on ubuntu

It’s always good to use virtual environments when we are dealing with Python. Hence let’s start with the creation of virtual environment.

Step:1 Creation of virtual environment

Go to your command line and type “pip3 install virtualenv”

$ pip install virtualenv

Now we have installed the virtualenv package and it’s time to create virtual environments using the command virtualenv <name_of_your_environment>

To create a virtual environment, use the command “virtualenv <name_of_the_environment>”

Eg: virtualenv my_first_environment

$ virtualenv my_first_environment

If you want to create your virtual environment with a specific python version, then use “ — python” flag

Eg: virtualenv my_first_environment --python=/usr/bin/python3.5

$ virtualenv my_first_environment --python=/usr/bin/python3.5

after running the above command you should find a folder called “my_first_environment”

Step:2 Activation of virtual environment

To activate the virtual environment that we had created in the step 1, go the folder that contains the virtual environment and run the command

“source <name_of_the_environment>/bin/activate”

Eg: source my_first_environment/bin/activate

$ source my_first_environment/bin/activate

Step:3 Installation of Jupyter notebook

Once the virtual environment is created and activated, we are just two steps away from installation of Jupyter notebook

Use the following two commands

“pip install notebook”

“pip install jedi==0.17.2”

(pip install jedi is for fixing the auto completion of functions in Jupyter notebook)

$ pip install notebook
$ pip install jedi==0.17.2

Hurray!! You have installed jupyter notebook without anaconda and now you can type “jupyter notebook” from you terminal and it will launch the notebook

Don’t forget to leave two claps (more claps are appreciated 😅) if this article has helped you


Vignesh Kathirkamar

AI Pylinux

