How to set up OpenCV.js

Ran (Reine)
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2020


(With detailed instructions for compiling from source)

Photo by Clément H on Unsplash

OpenCV.js was created to help with the adaptability of OpenCV in web development. However, I (personally) find that the documentation online and from their official platform is rather uhh…ambiguous so here’s an outline for setting up OpenCV.js that hopefully helps :) There’s be two parts to this — Part I would be an outline of how to use it without compiling from…



Ran (Reine)
Analytics Vidhya

I live for days when I can watch skies of blue, while enjoying the view. Most other days I’m a city rat who scuttles between Art and Coding. SG NTU CS Grad.