The Beginners Guide to Google-Fu? 10 tricks to be a Google-Fu Blackbelt|

Sunny Sem
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
8 min readNov 16, 2019
The Beginners Guide to Google-Fu

What is Google-Fu?

Google-Fu is defined to be a skill used in the Google Search Engine to have access to a lot of accurate information(results). Additionally being Google-Fu sounds very cool just some sort of Marvel characters. One can become a Google-Fu blackbelt if one knows all the Google operators to use realistically.

With the innovation of Data Scientist, Google Search Engine has been tremendously evolving with the period of time. Google Operators eased by Scientist & Programmers backed by Google has been trying their best to distribute data accessible for the Content Strategist, Business Developer and Market Researchers. Authors and Writers who are into content could help them to make a difference while researching as well as writing journals, blogs and articles on a particular niche.

If you are a tech-savvy person and if you want to keep Google search on your fingertips then I am going to tell you how to be a Blackbelt in Google-Fu a master that makes you unique from the crowd even though there are 150 million searches a day with 2.5 million web pages provided with more than 50 languages. I have tried to keep this in short by putting down all the details to improve your google-fu.

5 Facts & Myth about Google Power Search Engine

1- Only 1% of Human being can properly search on Google in this planet.

2- One can become a master if the individual knows how to use Google Operators properly.

“If you know how to use Google Operators, then you are the Master.”

3-Google Commands can help you in doing Research for studies, Fetching Data, Business Analysis, building projects and many more.

4- You don’t need to know codes to be a Google-Fu. The only requirement is your Passion and your Interest to deep hunt your knowledge accessing relevant data, topics and information.

5- Personally me with the skill of Google-Fu, I founded myself standing out of the crowd to strategies content and gaining a lot of information given behind.

What Matters in Your Search Query?

Important Tips for Search Queries

1- Every word matters: Try searching for [who], [the who] and [a who].

2-Order Matters: Try searching for [blue sky] and [sky blue].

3- Capitalization does not matter: Try searching for [barack obama] and [Barack Obama].

4-Punctuation does not matter: Try searching for [red: delicious! apple?] and [red delicious apple].

5- There are some exceptions!

List of all the Google Operators:

There are Nine basic operators in Google Search:

1- Exact Phrase (“ ”): This operator helps you to get Exact answers when are sure about the topic you are about to search.

Exact Phrase


Your Try: The Monk who sold his Ferrari

Google-Fu: “The Monk who sold his Ferrari”

2- Number Range (. .): This operator helps you set a range of numbers in your search results.

Number Range


Your Try: Nelson Mandela Speech

Google-Fu: Nelson Mandela Speech 2004..2007

3- Exclusion (-): This operator helps you to Exclude keywords.



Your Try: panthers

Google-Fu: panthers -team -club

4- Similar Words (~): This operator helps you to get results similar to the actual one meaning it gives answers which is relevant to the queries.

Similar Words


Your Try: House on fire

Google-Fu: ~House on fire

5- Inclusion (+): This operator helps you to Include keywords by giving priority to the words after the operator has been precisely used.



Your Try: Tomorrowland Marshmello performance

Google-Fu: Tomorrowland +Marshmello performance

6- Fill in the Blank (*): This operator helps you to get results when you are not sure for a niche in your query.

Fill in the Blank


Your Try: most popular in ghana

Google-Fu: most popular * in ghana

7- Multiple Words (OR): This operator helps you to get results of possibilities when you are confused.

Multiple Words


Your Try: Heads Tail / Pizza Burger

Google-Fu: Heads OR Tail / Pizza OR Burger

8- site: This operator helps you to search for webpages only from a particular website or domain given.



Your Try: buy shirts from amazon online

Google-Fu: shirts

9- filetype: This operator helps you get answers in pdf, .move, .doc, .xls and many other multiple extensions.



Your Try: Population by state

Google-Fu: Population by state filetype:xls

20 Pro Advantages for being Google-Fu

1- Track Train, Flights, buses to commute easily.

2- Track Your Packages.

3- Find Google Directions via bicycle, walking & transit.

4- Keep track on your Stock Prices.

5- Translate words and sentences and that too in different languages.

6- Convert Currency.

7- Doing a Deep Analysis Research for the competition.

8- Find information about Local Restaurant & Business.

9- Find Music labels and lyrics on the tip of the fingers.

10- Find holidays for upcoming events & festivals.

11- Find release dates for upcoming Movies, Games and many more and that too with your zip code.

12- Strategies content for your next blog and article.

13-Find current time of any city or country.

14- Find Definition & Synonyms.

15- Find Live scores of any game.

16- Get weather forecast.

17- Calculate almost anything.

18- Find accurate answers by filtering millions of website and webpages.

19- Find data in any format pdf, doc, word, xls.

20- Last but not the least, it sounds Cool when you say, you are a “GOOGLE-Fu”. - “Hey Google Fu, wassup?”

20 Implications & Techniques that can be done to improve your Powerful Google Search — Google-Fu

Google-fu power search technique

I have listed all the important tips & techniques to Google-Fu as there are hundreds of search query operators and techniques. So in order to save time, I have cut short all of them into few so that it could be easy to use for daily activities as well as you could make a habit of it.

1- site: It tells Google to search pages in a particular web domain.


Pro tip: “+www.ebay.+com" — (tells you how many pages of your site are indexed by google)

2- intitle: It tells Google to search results within a given word.

Example: intitle:Oneplus

3- inurl: It tells Google to search results for a word in the url.

Example: inurl:JBL headphones

4- intext: It tells Google to search word in any content available though you can use other operators.

Example: intext:chernobyl

5- inanchor: It tells Google to search results with anchor text with Inbound links.

Example: inanchor: Google Chromebook

6- allintitle: It tells Google to search results for a product or a niche when you want to know the Competition.

Example: allintitle:chromebook

7- allinurl: It tells Google to search results for all the words containing in the url.

Example: allinurl:google chromebook

8- allintext: It tells Google to search results containing all the words in the web pages.

Example: allintext:google chromebook

9- filetype: It tells Google to provide results in any Format given in the query.

Example: filetype:pdf population state USA

10- ext: Similar to Filetype

Example: ext:pdf population state USA

11- daterange: It tells Google to search results of Date range or years when given.

Example: Michael Jackson 1995..2005

12- date: Similar to Daterange

Example: Michael Jackson 1995–2005

Note: The results are different though.

13- weather: It tells Google to search weather Forecast for the place given or the zipcode.

Example: weather:84180 or weather:germany

14- Around(x): Most of the time it tells Google to limit results to pages that contain search words within X words of each other.X just defines the range or no of words.

Example: googlefu Around(5) technique

15- Stocks: It tells Google to search results about Stocks.

Example: stock:facebook

16- map: It tells Google to search results for a particular given Place.

Example: map:barcelona

17- movie: It tells Google to search results for Movies.

Example: movie:Iron man or movie:[zipcode]

18- convert: It tells Google to convert Currency and Uunits.

Example: convert: usd..inr or

19- source: It tells Google to find the sources of a topic or an article.

Example: source:how to be a google-fu

20- Hastags: It tells Google to find articles, photos, post & blogs which has been tagged by someone.

Example: #friendshipgoals friends forever

Pro Tip: If you want to get license-free photos with various sizes, shapes and colours kindly use the Google Advanced Image Search.

How to be Google-Fu Blackbelt?

If you are really interested to be a Blackbelt google-fu known as the art of Google-Fu then kindly enrol the course provided by Google and give the assessment exam in the end.Additionally if you want to know more about the strategies of using google operators then Moz has got a brief article indeed.

Google-Fu Blackbelt

Final Thoughts: How interesting it can be if you note every piece of details from the tips to the hacks of researching google, here I present you a Book that has been written by a computer programmer named ‘Rael Dornfest’ and an expert on search engines named ‘Tara Calishain’. Just a thought if homo sapiens could be called as Human Being than why not be Google Fueing- to be part of this technology. Let’s join our hands to make our life better by Googling queries accurately and making a difference by saving our time.As Russians say “If you can’t beat them then Join them.”

“If you can't beat Google then learn Google” — Google Fueing

Disclaimer: Sources Google & Canva.



Sunny Sem
Analytics Vidhya

Writer, Copywriter, Storyteller. I write about Physiology |Personal problems| Cognition |Finance| Productivity| Skills