JavaScript: Discover the Chart Visualization Ecosystem

JavaScript Charting Libraries with hands-on experience on how to reproduce the most common charts

Vladimir Ilievski
Analytics Vidhya


JavaScript Visualization Libraries
JavaScript Visualization Landscape of Libraries

In the following series of blog posts, we make a recension of different JavaScript visualization libraries divided by their main functionality. We cover the following visualization categories :

  • Charting: producing the common DataViz charts. For instance line, bar and area charts;
  • Graphs: for plotting, manipulating and analyzing graph-based data;
  • Maps: for representing data that has geographical features and
  • 3D: creating three-dimensional charts as well as animations.

The goal is to show the advantages and disadvantages of each framework. This is quite important to know when searching what JavaScript visualization toolkit to use. We can see a nice landscape in the image above of some of the available options among these categories. In this blog post, we will only analyze the charting data visualization tools with hands-on experience for some of them.


In all coding demos, we use the life expectancy dataset. This dataset was originally downloaded from Our World In Data analysis on life expectancy around the…



Vladimir Ilievski
Analytics Vidhya

$whoami? Data scientist during the day. Content creator during the night. Author of iSquared bringing the science closer to everyone. Twitter: @VladOsaurus