Knowledge is categorized into two major types.

1 min readJul 2, 2020


Tacit corresponds to “informal” or “implicit”

  • Exists within a human being;
  • It is embodied.
  • Difficult to articulate formally
  • Difficult to communicate or share.
  • Hard to steal and copy.
  • Drawn from experience, action, subjective insight

Explicit formal type of knowledge, Explicit

  • Explicit knowledge
  • Exists outside a human being
  • It is embedded.
  • Can be articulated formally.
  • Can be shared, occupied, processed and stored.
  • Easy to steal or copy
  • Drawn from artifact of some type as principle, procedure, process, concepts.




Computer Engineer passionate about DevOps Engineering. AI Researcher. Builder. Creator. Developer. Influencer. Innovator. Learner. Motivator. Writer. Human.