Santosh Reddy Vuppala
2 min readJun 15, 2020

Build something, for yourself

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I took a break from working as a Product manager in December 2019 and wanted to get back to workforce after couple of months. Unfortunately the pandemic COVID-19 had spread across the world and impacted employment and revenues of companies. Despite my efforts i did not receive any interview calls and what started as a two month break became five months.

With a one year old baby, living expenses and monthly loan instalments to take care of i was worried about my finances and started feeling helpless. There were two options for me then, either to worry about the situation and panic or to do something about it. With time running out i reviewed all my options and came out with a plan to take two more months and build something.

I wanted to do something in the Computer Vision and Deep Learning domain and after a lot of research i saw that sports (Teams & Coaches) were using such technology to improve their game. Growing up playing cricket and watching games i knew there had to be something that can be done at the intersection of Computer Vision and Cricket.

Looking at existing solutions and the lack of less expensive solutions to analyse training sessions, i started talking to cricket coaches about the idea of developing an Artificial Intelligence powered app to analyse cricket training sessions on a smart phone — HomeGround and received actionable feedback from them. They wanted something inexpensive and easy to setup & use.

HomeGround app feature list

For the past two months i have been working on a basic prototype and started reaching out to a larger group of cricket coaches and amateur players to get feedback. Their interest to use the product is a driving force to keep building the product in spite of the financial issues due to unemployment. Currently i am looking for funds for product development, marketing and promotion.

A high level view of what HomeGround does:

  1. Capture batting and bowling training sessions
  2. Bowling analysis— line & length, ball speed and bowling action correction
  3. Batting analysis — Shot detection, batting stance correction
  4. Cricket focused drills to improve fitness and technique
  5. Expert advice from experienced cricketers
  6. Individual profiles to track progress
  7. Flexible subscription plans

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