Machine Learning #1 — Supervised Learning, EDA, Cross-Validation

Göker Güner
Global AI Hub
Published in
12 min readDec 1, 2020


This post is the first of the Machine Learning article series that I have written to share / consolidate what I have learned. I assume that you are familiar with the Python programming language and the Jupyter-notebook environment. You can install the libraries that we will use in the projects by typing in the “pip install libraryname” format from your terminal. The notebooks in my GitHub repository are only in Turkish for now, but if you follow the notebook with this Medium article, I think you will not have a problem.

If you are not Turkish, skip this paragraph.

Bu yazı, öğrendiklerimi paylaşmak/pekiştirmek amacıyla kaleme aldığım Machine Learning yazı dizisinin ilkidir. Python programlama diline ve Jupyter-notebook ortamına aşinalığınız olduğunu varsayarak anlatıyorum. Projeler içerisinde kullanacağımız kütüphaneleri terminalinizden “ pip install kutuphaneadi” formatında yazarak yükleyebilirsiniz.

Yazının Türkçe versiyonu için: Link

U.S Congressional Session. Source from:

What is Machine Learning?

We can simply define it as giving computers the ability to make decisions by inferring data. While doing this, we format the data in appropriate ways and give it as input to the model / algorithm that will perform the learning process. That way, we can solve some complex…

