Machine Learning # 3 — Linear Regression (Ridge & Lasso Functions)

Göker Güner
Global AI Hub
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2021


This post is the third article in my Machine Learning series that I have written to consolidate and share what I have learned. For the second article of the series that published on Analytics Vidhya: link

If you are not interested in the Turkish of this article, you can skip this paragraph.

Bu yazı, öğrendiklerimi pekiştirmek ve paylaşmak için kaleme aldığım Machine Learning yazı dizimin üçüncü yazısıdır. Serinin yayınlanan ikinci yazısı için: link

Bu yazının Türkçesi için: link


Hello, in the third notebook of my Machine Learning series, we will learn;

  • The concept of linear regression,
  • The concept of loss account and measurement methods,
  • The subtypes of linear regression.

Similar to the previous articles, we start by importing the libraries we will use again and examining the data.

In addition to the methods we mentioned in my previous articles, we also import the…

