Mean-Ends Analysis Heuristic Search Technique

1 min readJul 2, 2020


Photo by Paul Bryan on Unsplash

Collection of strategies presented so far can reason either forward or backward, but for a given problem, one direction or the other must be chosen.

A mixture of the two directions is appropriate. Such a mixed strategy would make it possible to solve the major parts of a problem first and then go back and solve the small problems that arise in “gluing” the big pieces together.

The technique of Mean-Ends Analysis (MEA) allows us to do that.

MEA process centers around the detection of differences between the current state and goal state.

Once such a difference is isolated, an operator that can reduce the difference must be found.

If the operator cannot be applied to the current state, we set up a sub-problem of getting to a state in which it can be applied.

The kind of backward chaining in which operators are selected and then sub-goals are set up to establish the preconditions of the operators is called operator sub-goaling.

Algorithm: Means-Ends Analysis




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