My Business Analyst Internship Story — ft Drink Prime Labs Bangalore

Navin Nishanth K S
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2020

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other

To begin with, I have completed my PGP datascience course with Great Lakes Institute of Management & I was searching for jobs when I found Drinkprime’s Data Analyst Intern opportunity. I applied straightaway & got selected after multiple rounds of Interview and later my journey in Bangalore starts.

Drink Prime Logo

First day was awesome, I didn’t know the routes in bangalore and somehow ended up reaching late to the office on the first day. I met my senior BA and started getting knowing about the company straightaway. Drinkprime is a water purification company that provides solutions for people in Bangalore & Hyderabad. I was introduced to multiple teams in Drinkprime and started my work right away.

Since it’s a startup — there are loads of teams that have huge business requirements & loads of data is involved. I worked across multiple teams and got to know about how a startup operates. Thanks to my mentor Pranith G who ensured that whatever doubts I had, get solved. I started to send reports, pull in data and build dashboards using various visualization tools and in Drinkprime, I understood the value & importance of Data visualization.

The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures.
―Ben Shneiderman

I got loads of insights about the work and got to know about how to handle the pressure. The most important part about working in a startup vs MNC was that, in a MNC the works are divided accordingly and in a startup, you don’t know what’s required & go along with the flow and regulate the flow whenever it’s required. That is — pressure situations must be handled well. Then, there was my final exams at Great Lakes which I had to take parallelly and had to work after finishing my exams. It was a tough pressure situation which trained my mind perfectly to handle loads of stuff & process loads of things.

To be honest, I struggled first because I was new to working in a startup & that too in a place where pressure buildups & deadlines are there. I was struck at many places. My mentor gave me one beautiful advice — ”We need results-not how you do it or how it’s done”. That was the best I have ever recieved. This ensured that, I can use whatever techniques I can to do the work. I used pandas to clean data at times, SQL to pull data from database and PowerBi & Google Data Studio for Data visualizations.

Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a clear and convincing voice.
―Stephen Few

The most important stuff I learned here is the value of Data and how numbers are very important. Data is always about numbers & this place proved it 100% because Drink Prime always believes in customer satisfaction — which most product companies focuses on. A simple & yet valuable product was sold to the customers & I loved the way how they made me prioritize the tasks.

It was a fruitful & resourceful journey which made me realize a lot of things. All credit goes to Pranith my mentor and other friends I met at Drink Prime. Bangalore is a beautiful city and has loads of opportunities. I never struggled with any issue & people were lovely.

Thank you !



Navin Nishanth K S
Analytics Vidhya

Data Analyst at Cloud Mentor, ML enthusiast and a student who has passion for learning loads of stuffs in DS. ||