NLP Project: Sentiment Analysis

Yalin Yener
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2020


In this post, i am going to explain my 4th project at Istanbul Data Science Academy that was about NLP Classification and Sentiment Analysis.

Before writing my post, i would like to share my Github repo, if you interest in, you can find Jupyter Notebook codes.

In this project, i am going to analyse customer reviews about Bacchanal Buffet in Las Vegas. Bacchanal Buffet is an open kitchen, placed in Caesars Palace. As a data source, i use Yelp , Foursquare and Twitter.

What is NLP Classification ?

Natural Language Processing (NLP), that gives computers the ability to understand and interpret language. It also helps us measure and determine user’s sentiments. There are lot’s of use cases that can be use NLP such as ;

  • Voice Assistants
  • Chatbots
  • Translate
  • Speech Recognition
  • Spam filters
  • Grammar check

What is Sentiment Analysis ?

Sentiment Analysis, the process of understanding of text’s sentiment positively or negatively. It’s one of the most interesting usage of NLP. By using NLP, you can analyse words in a sentence and determine whether the sentence is positive, negative of…



Yalin Yener
Analytics Vidhya

Data Engineer | GIS Analyst | Data Analyst | Data Scientist