One new contestant to bring down the King: Apache Pulsar

Apache Kafka seems to be the standard solution in nowadays architecture, but we should focus if it is the right choice for our needs.

Alex Vazquez
Analytics Vidhya


Photo by Ross Sokolovski on Unsplash

Nowadays, we’re in a new age of Event-Driven Architecture, and this is not the first time we’ve lived that. Before microservices and cloud, EDA was the new normal in enterprise integration. Based on different kinds of standards, there where protocols like JMS or AMQP used in broker-based products like TIBCO EMS, Active MQ, or IBM Websphere MQ, so this approach is not something new.

With the rise of microservices architectures and the API lead approach, it seemed that we’ve forgotten about the importance of the messaging systems, and we had to go through the same challenges we saw in the past to come to a new messaging solution to solve that problem. So, we’re coming back to EDA Architecture, pub-sub mechanism, to help us decouple the consumers and producers, moving from orchestration to choreography, and all these concepts fit better in nowaday worlds with more and more independent components that need cooperation and integration.

During this effort, we started to look at new technologies to help us implement that again. Still, with the new reality, we forgot about the heavy…



Alex Vazquez
Analytics Vidhya

PSG Senior Architect at TIBCO Software with a focus on Cloud Development, Event Processing and Enterprise Integration