Opening the black box of Machine learning — TensorFlow Dense layers

duncan wood
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2022

I’ve always been a bit confused by machine learning… seems like a black box and i’m inherently suspicious of black boxes.

I wanted to lift up the hood a bit and figure out how ML works, and to do that I wanted to focus on something simple…

How can a dense layer identify a y = x² relationship?

y = x²

I’ve picked this, just because I’m familiar with regression and i know how regression would handle this, and i didn’t really understand how ML would handle this.

A Dense layer

A dense layer is essentially a set of weights and biases applied to the input wrapped in an activation function

In the y = x² example we have a single input x and we would apply a weight w and bias b then wrap that in an activation function a giving us..

a(wx + b)

depending on how many units / nodes we want our dense layer to have we can just repeat this with different weights & biases giving us

[a(w₀x + b₀),
a(w₁x + b₁),
a(wₙx + bₙ)]

The Activation Function: There are a few different ones, but we are going to focus on relu which is really simple.

relu(x) = x if x > 0 else 0

relu activation function

Learning y = x²

You might be wondering… how this dense layer is ever going to figure out a non-linear relationship like x² given it’s seemingly linear operations.

So.. suppose you have a Dense(2) layer (dense layer with two nodes), and keep the weights as 1 and biases as 0 for simplicity

Dense(2) layernode 0 = a(w₀x + b₀) = relu(x)node 1 = a(w₁x + b₁) = relu(-x)

if we fed those outputs into a Dense(1) layer with a linear activation function (a(x) = x) we would get (and again keeping the weights and biases to 1 and 0)

Dense(1) layer (linear activation function a(x) = x)node 0 = a(w₀relu(x) + b₀) + a(w₁relu(-x) + b₁) 
node 0 = relu(x) + relu(-x)

plotting this is starting to look promising..

relu(x) + relu(-x)

So our machine learning topology would be a Dense(2) layer with relu activation function, connected to a Dense(1) layer with a linear activation function.

Our ML topology

Here is how you would define that in Tensorflow

model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(units = 2, activation = 'relu'),
layers.Dense(1, activation = None)

Hopefully you can start to see how this whole ML stuff might work… you decompose complicated relationships into a series of linear functions, stacked on top of each other with a non-linear activation function like relu.

Increasing the nodes

So as you might have guessed we can get a better model by increasing the number of nodes / units in our first Dense layer

Here is an example in Tensorflow, trained using Mean Squared Error loss

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
m1 = keras.Sequential([
# need this to flatten the input [1,2,3] => [[1],[2],[3]]
layers.Dense(units = 4,
activation = 'relu'),
optimizer=tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01)), y, epochs=1000, batch_size=10, verbose=0)# plot the results
plt.plot(x , y)
plt.plot(x, m1(x))
Model output after training in orange

Lets look under the hood at the 4 lines generated by the first dense layer

# Get our 1st dense layer 
l = m1.layers[1]
# get x in the shape expected by the layer
x1 = x.reshape((-1, 1))
# apply the layer weights and bias
y1 = (, l.kernel.numpy()) + l.bias.numpy())
# apply relu
y1[y1 < 0] = 0
# plot lines
plt.plot(x, y1)
Our 4 lines trained by our model

You can really see, how adding these together can start approximating y = x²

The machine learning bit

So now you understand how dense layers can be stacked to generate non-linear patterns, I’ll touch on how we figure out our weights and biases for these lines.

The basic idea is very similar to regression, in fact we are using the same loss function in this model. Mean Squared Error.

So the loss function here is defined by

loss = (y₀ - m(x₀))² + (y₁ - m(x₁))² + ... + (yₙ - m(xₙ))²where m is our modelm(x) = w₀m₀(x) + b₀ + .. + w₀m₃(x) + b₃and mᵢ is our 1st dense layer mᵢ(x) = wᵢx + bᵢ

Which essentially gives us some polynomial equation dependent on the 4 weights and biases of our first dense layer, and the 4 weights and biases of our second layer

without going into too much detail we can easily estimate the gradient at a particular point in our 8 dimensional space and start moving in the direction of the minimal point.

Obviously there is no guarantee that our 8 dimensional space as only 1 minimal point, there maybe local minima that we get stuck in.

So machine learning models, try to tread carefully by not moving too quickly to the identified minimal point (specified somewhat by the learning_rate, selection of the batch size and epochs)

In summary

Dense layers in machine learning are just a fancy name for a bunch of lines which together with an activation function can be stacked together to model complicated data relationships.

Here is the catch! Since it’s a bunch of lines, it’s going to perform really badly on new data.. and by new data I mean values of x which aren’t close to those we’ve already seen… we trained our model on x between -10, 10… if we fed x = 100 into the model it’s going to be terrible.. so key insight is… NORMALIZE YOUR DATA!

The machine learning bit is no different from regression, in the sense you are trying to find where the derivative of the loss function equals 0.

I hope this gives someone a bit of a deeper understanding of a piece of machine learning tool kit, since most other layers are built on similar principles.

Good luck

