Parsing PGN Chess Games With Python

Andrew Matteson
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
7 min readFeb 1, 2021

I have a couple of projects in mind for analysis of chess game positions. They all require collecting a large number of chess games into structured data. This Week in Chess provides records of thousands of games each week. Each week consists of a file in Portable Game Notation (PGN), a plain text format for recording chess games.

I want to analyze hundreds of thousands of games, so step one is to gather the plain text files and parse them using the grammar of of PGN files.

If you just want the code to parse PGN, you can jump over to the GitHub repo. Otherwise, read on.

A chess game on a small board framed by two hands and a cup of coffee.
Photo by Sarah Pflug, used under CC0

The Grammar of PGN Files

Lots of text data, PGN included, obeys a “grammar”. The grammar of PGN includes annotations that are pairs of a tag and a string, the moves of the game, and the outcome. The important insight is that there are rules for how that text looks. For instance, this 2021 game between Magnus Carlsen and Jorden Van Foreest:

[Event "83rd Tata Steel Masters"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"]
[Date "2021.01.19"]
[Round "4.1"]
[White "Van Foreest,Jorden"]
[Black "Carlsen,M"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[WhiteElo "2671"]
[BlackElo "2862"]
[ECO "C78"]
[Opening "Ruy Lopez"]
[Variation "Archangelsk (counterthrust) variation"]
[WhiteFideId "1039784"]
[BlackFideId "1503014"]
[EventDate "2021.01.16"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. d3 Be7 8. Nc3 O-O 9. a3 Nd4 10. Nxd4 exd4 11. Ne2 c5 12. Bg5 d5 13. Bxf6 Bxf6 14. Bxd5 Bxd5 15. exd5 Qxd5 16. Ng3 c4 17. Re1 Rae8 18. a4 Rxe1+ 19. Qxe1 cxd3 20. cxd3 bxa4 21. Qd1 Qb5 22. Ne4 Be7 23. Qc2 Rb8 24. Rxa4 Qxb2 25. Qxb2 Rxb2 26. g4 Rb6 27. Rxd4 Kf8 28. Rd7 Rg6 29. Kf1 Rxg4 30. Ra7 f5 31. Ng3 g6 32. Rxa6 Rh4 33. Kg2 Rd4 34. Ne2 Rxd3 35. Ng1 Rd7 36. Nf3 Kg7 37. h3 Bf6 38. Kg3 Rb7 39. Kg2 Re7 40. Ra5 Rc7 41. Rd5 Ra7 42. Rb5 Be7 43. Nd4 Rd7 44. Nf3 Rd6 45. Rb7 Kf6 46. Ra7 h6 47. Nh4 Bd8 48. Rh7 Rd2 49. Rxh6 Kg7 50. Rxg6+ Kh7 51. Nf3 Rxf2+ 52. Kxf2 Kxg6 53. Kg2 Kh5 54. Nd4 f4 55. Ne6 Bg5 56. Nxg5 Kxg5 57. Kf3 Kh4 58. Kxf4 Kxh3 1/2-1/2

The annotations appear in brackets, starting with the tag followed by a quoted string. After the annotations, the moves are listed by move number followed by white’s move, then black’s move (in algebraic notation). The last text declares the outcome, 1-0 for white wins, 0-1 for black, and 1/2-1/2 for a draw.

We’re going to take a file of PGN entries and parse them. In computer science, a parser-combinator is a higher order function that takes in multiple parsers and returns a single parser. The topic is pretty deep, but the gist is that parser-combinators allow us to write out a parse tree of a grammar and iteratively build complex parsers by combining simpler ones. For this project, I use parsita, an open source python library for parsing written by one of my colleagues.

Writing out the parse tree from the file above is straightforward. An “entry” in the file is composed of two blocks: an “annotations” block and a “game” block. The annotations block is a new line delimited list of the sequence [ , TAG , " , STRING , " , ] . The game is a list of NUMBER., MOVE , MOVE , followed by an OUTCOME. There’s some trickiness about the last move because white might make one more move than black, but we’ll deal with that later. It’s best to visualize our grammar as a tree:

A parse tree of the grammar of PGN files.
PGN Parse Tree (image by author)

Parsing Simple Text

Now that we have an understanding of our grammar, let’s try to parse one of the bottom nodes. We’ll start with annotations because they’re simpler. Our goal is to take the list of annotations and transform them into a Python dictionary.

We’ll walk through each line of this code:

# Parse the " token
quote = lit(r'"')
# Parse a sequence of unicode characters excluding spaces
tag = reg(r'[\u0021-\u0021\u0023-\u005A\u005E-\u007E]+')
# parse a sequence of unicode characters including spaces
string = reg(r'[\u0020-\u0021\u0023-\u005A\u005E-\U0010FFFF]+')
# An annotation is combines a tag, and a quoted string delimited
# by other characters. We only care about the tag and string.
annotation = '[' >> tag << ' ' & (quote >> string << quote) << ']'
# Function to take a list of parsed annotations and convert to a
# dictionary
def formatannotations(annotations):
return {ant[0]: ant[1] for ant in annotations}
# The annotation block is a list of 0 or more annotations.
annotations = repsep(annotation, '\n') > formatannotations

Parsita does the heavy lifting with literal parsers and regular expression parsers. The simplest parsing operation is to match a single character, the literal. I show two ways of doing this: lit(r'"') matches a quote; alternatively, parsita will accept a Python string into a parser and treat it as a literal. The brackets are parsed using the second technique.

The power of parsita comes from the five parsers we use in the above:

  • A & B: sequential parser. Match the parser for A and the parser for B. Return both in a list.
  • A >> B: discard left parser. Match the same as &. Return only B.
  • A << B: discard right parser. Vice-versa from above.
  • A > function: conversion parser. Match the parser for A then pass the result to a function.
  • repsep(A): repeated parser. Match A from 0 to N times and return a list of matches.

So, expanding on the line defining the annotation:

annotation = '[' >> tag << ' ' & (quote >> string << quote) << ']'

An annotation is in sequence:

  • a bracket (discard),
  • a string without spaces,
  • a space (discard),
  • a quote (discard),
  • a string,
  • a quote (discard),
  • a bracket (discard).
# Call the parser --> results in Success or Failure.
# .or_die() either gives the value of the success or raises an error
print(annotation.parse('[parsing "is cool"]').or_die())
> ['parsing', 'is cool']
# Annotations block converts the text to a dict
text = '''[parsing "is cool"]
[second "line"]'''
> {'parsing': 'is cool', 'second': 'line'}

Parsing More Complex Text

The game format is more complex. It reuses the ideas from the annotations parsing but requires two additional parsers:

  • A|B: the alternative parser. Tries to match parser A, if it fails, then try parser B.
  • opt(A): the optional parser. Tries to match parser A, if it succeeds return the value of A in a length one list. If it fails, return an empty list.

We use the alternative parser to simplify the definition of a move:

nullmove = lit('--') # Illegal move rarely used in annotations
longcastle = reg(r'O-O-O[+#]?')
castle = reg(r'O-O[+#]?')
regularmove = reg(r'[a-h1-8NBRQKx\+#=]+') # Matches more than just chess moves
move = regularmove | longcastle | castle | nullmove

We match “regular” moves with a regular expression parser. Algebraic notation of a move references 1 or 2 squares with a-h, their file, and 1–8, their rank. Pieces have one letter designations. There are additional notations for capture (x), check (+), checkmate (#), and promotion (=). Other, non-regular, moves are long castle, castle, and null move (rarely encountered, but appears for various reasons).

So, a move tries to match a regular move, if it fails, tries to match long castle, then castle, then finally the null move.

def handleoptional(optionalmove):
if len(optionalmove) > 0:
return optionalmove[0]
return None
def formatgame(game):
return {
'moves': game[0],
'outcome': game[1]
whitespace = lit(' ') | lit('\n')movenumber = (reg(r'[0-9]+') << '.' << whitespace) > intturn = movenumber & (move << whitespace) & (opt(move << whitespace) > handleoptional)# Potential game outcomes
draw = lit('1/2-1/2')
white = lit('1-0')
black = lit('0-1')
outcome = draw | white | black
game = (rep(turn) & outcome) > formatgame

We need the optional parser because a game may terminate after white moves. When this occurs, in PGN, the file has a final move number and then a single move listed. So, the last “turn” of our grammar is optional. We parse this into a more useful form for Python by indexing into the returned optional list if it’s not empty, and otherwise returning None.

Putting it All Together

All that remains is to download a PGN file, and parse it using the code outlined above.

from parsita import *
from parsita.util import constant
import json
# Conversion functions
def formatannotations(annotations):
return {ant[0]: ant[1] for ant in annotations}
def formatgame(game):
return {
'moves': game[0],
'outcome': game[1]
def formatentry(entry):
return {'annotations': entry[0], 'game': entry[1]}
def handleoptional(optionalmove):
if len(optionalmove) > 0:
return optionalmove[0]
return None
# PGN Grammar
quote = lit(r'"')
tag = reg(r'[\u0021-\u0021\u0023-\u005A\u005E-\u007E]+')
string = reg(r'[\u0020-\u0021\u0023-\u005A\u005E-\U0010FFFF]+')
whitespace = lit(' ') | lit('\n')annotation = '[' >> (tag) << ' ' & (quote >> string << quote) << ']'
annotations = repsep(annotation, '\n') > formatannotations
nullmove = lit('--') # Illegal move rarely used in annotations
longcastle = reg(r'O-O-O[+#]?')
castle = reg(r'O-O[+#]?')
regularmove = reg(r'[a-h1-8NBRQKx\+#=]+') # Matches more than just chess moves
move = regularmove | longcastle | castle | nullmove
movenumber = (reg(r'[0-9]+') << '.' << whitespace) > int
turn = movenumber & (move << whitespace) & (opt(move << whitespace) > handleoptional)
draw = lit('1/2-1/2')
white = lit('1-0')
black = lit('0-1')
outcome = draw | white | black
game = (rep(turn) & outcome) > formatgameentry = ((annotations << rep(whitespace)) & (game << rep(whitespace))) > formatentryfile = rep(entry)# Parse the file
with open('twic1368.pgn', 'r') as f:
parsedoutput = file.parse(

The parsed output is a list of games. Each game is structured in the same way:

'annotations': {
'Event': 'Lozovatsky Mem A 2021',
'Site': 'Chelyabinsk RUS',
'Date': '2021.01.18',
'Round': '5.18',
'White': 'Mischuk,D',
'Black': 'Bryakin,M',
'Result': '1-0',
'game': {
'moves': [
[1, 'd4', 'd5'],
[2, 'c4', 'c6'],
[3, 'Nc3', 'Nf6'],
'outcome': '1-0'

Now, I’m off to find fun things to do with thousands of chess games.



Andrew Matteson
Analytics Vidhya

Mathematician, software engineer, computational biologist. I like playing with data.