Python for Geosciences: Scatter Plots and PDF reports

Learn how to create scatter plots from satellite imagery and automate a PDF reporting engine with the results

Maurício Cordeiro
Analytics Vidhya


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Hi, and welcome back to part 6 of Python for Geosciences. One advantage of using a programming language like Python to perform satellite image analysis instead of a geospatial software is that we can automate any part of the process. This automation can be used in a production chain to return a periodically output(for example, monthly water surface, annual deforestation, among others) or it can be used to perform a historical analysis (create a deforestation time series, for example). In either usage, we will be generating huge amount of output data and just the process of reviewing it can be overwhelming depending on the periodicity and time frame involved.

I describe one example of such automation in my "Water Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images using the waterdetect python package" story (there is also a peer-reviewed paper about it [1])…



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