Pythonic Dependency Injection with PInject

Farooq Mahmud
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2020

This article gives a gentle introduction to PInject, a Pythonic dependency injection framework written by Google.

Dependency Injection Frameworks

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Dependency Injection is a simple concept:

  1. Create a graph of object dependencies.
  2. When you ask for an object, you get that object with all of its dependencies properly configured.

A dependency injection framework automates the above steps. A popular dependency framework for Python, and the one we will use in this article, is PInject.

Refer to Wikipedia if you want to learn more about dependency injection.

Installing PInject

Install PInject using pip:

pip install pinject

The Scenario

Let’s start with the scenario depicted in the figure below. The diagram shows an order processing service, OrderService that has a dependency on a SqlLiteOrderContext which is responsible for persisting orders to an SQLite database.

Here is the code for the service, context, and Order class:

class Order:
def __init__(self, order_id: str):
self.order_id = order_id
class SqlLiteOrderContext:
def create_order(self, order: Order):
print(f"Order created by {self.__class__.__name__}")
class OrderService:
def __init__(self, sql_lite_order_context: SqlLiteOrderContext):
self.order_context = sql_lite_order_context
def process_order(self, order: Order):

OrderService Construction Without Dependency Injection

The code below constructs the order service:

order = Order("order-123")
context = SqlLiteOrderContext()
order_service = OrderService(context)

Run the above code and we get the result:

Order created by SqlLiteOrderContext

There isn’t much here to discuss. There is nothing wrong with this code but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. Introducing a dependency injection framework reduces the amount of code needed to construct the order service.

OrderService Construction With Dependency Injection

Now let’s have PInject create the order service for us:

import pinjectobj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph()
order_service = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
order = Order("order-123")

Running the above code will give the same output as before:

Order created by SqlLiteOrderContext

What did we gain from using PInject? We did not need to instantiate the OrderService and SqlLiteOrderContext instances ourselves. We simply asked PInject to give us a properly constructed OrderService instance and that's what it did!

Now consider the case where you have to construct many objects having many dependencies. Constructing that object graph manually adds a lot of code, is error-prone, and brittle. Can you see how PInject makes life easier?

Deconstructing the Magic

I presume one of the questions you have is how did PInject discover the OrderService and the SqlLiteOrderContext objects? This took me a bit of time to grasp because having spent a lot of time in the .NET world I was expecting a requirement to register types with the dependency injector.

But with PInject all we did was call new_object_graph() and it discovered OrderService and the SqlLiteOrderContext types. How? The answer is quite simple - PInject discovers types in all loaded modules.

The next question is how did PInject know to instantiate the SqlLiteOrderContext type in OrderService'sinitializer? One would think there is some fancy introspection going on but the answer to this question is also simple. Notice the context parameter's name is the name of the dependent type in snake case. By default, PInject will camel case the parameter name, find the matching class name, and instantiate that class. With ASP.NET Core dependency injection, parameter names don't matter.

This simple resolution mechanism is called implicit binding and is PInject’s default behavior. Implicit binding can save you a lot of work but it isn’t suitable for more complex scenarios.

A More Complex Scenario

You’ve noticed that unit-testing OrderService is difficult because of its dependency on an SQLite database. To address this issue you decide to create a MemoryOrderContext type that serves as an in-memory database which makes unit-testing easier. You also decide to introduce an abstract class OrderContext and have the two context classes derive from OrderContext. Lastly, the OrderServiceinitializer is changed to accept an abstract OrderContext instead of a specific implementation. Here is the updated code:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import pinject
class Order:
def __init__(self, order_id: str):
self.order_id = order_id
class OrderContext(ABC):
def create_order(self, order: Order):
class SqlLiteOrderContext(OrderContext):
def create_order(self, order: Order):
print(f"Order created by {self.__class__.__name__}")
class MemoryOrderContext(OrderContext):
def create_order(self, order: Order):
print(f"Order created by {self.__class__.__name__}")
class OrderService:
def __init__(self, order_context: OrderContext):
self.order_context = order_context
def process_order(self, order: Order):

Run the following code to process an order:

obj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph()
order_service = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
order = Order("order-123")

Does it work? No! We get an error about being unable to create an abstract class instance:

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class OrderContext with abstract methods create_order

This makes sense because implicit binding, PInject’s default behavior, is to camel case the parameter name, order_contextfind the matching class name, and instantiate it which it cannot do because OrderContext is abstract.

So how do we specify the provider implementation to PInject? We need to be more explicit about our bindings. We do this in PInject through binding specs.

Binding Specs

A binding spec maps parameter names to type names. To get PInject to properly instantiate OrderSerivce with a particular context implementation, create a binding spec:

class OrderContextBindingSpec(pinject.BindingSpec):
def configure(self, bind):
bind("order_context", to_class=MemoryOrderContext)

The binding spec associates the order_context parameter name in the OrderService initializer with the MemoryOrderContext type. Now PInject will instantiate MemoryOrderContext as an OrderServicedependency.

Modify the driver code by telling PInject about the binding spec:

obj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph(binding_specs=[OrderContextBindingSpec()])
order_service = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
order = Order("order-123")

Run the above code and voila, PInject creates the right context!

Order created by MemoryOrderContext

If you’re used to .NET Core dependency injection, the binding spec might remind you of the registration methods that must be called with .NET Core. Therefore the major difference with PInject is its implicit binding mode which .NET Core dependency injection does not offer.


Scopes are an important concept to understand when using dependency injection frameworks. The scope controls whether the objects you get from the dependency injector is a singleton or a new object. With PInject, the object injected through a function parameter is always a singleton. That means you get the same object back. So if you ask for OrderService in Module A and then ask for it in Module B, you get the same context instance back. The following code makes this clear:

obj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph(binding_specs=[OrderContextBindingSpec()])
order_service_1 = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
order_service_2 = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
print(order_service_1.order_context is order_service_2.order_context)

The print() statement outputs True proving that the MemoryOrderContext is being reused.

What if you want a new instance of MemoryOrderContext returned each time? PInject offers a scope named PROTOTYPE. For this to work, add the in_scope parameter to the call to bind() in the binding spec's configure() function:

bind("order_context", to_class=MemoryOrderContext, in_scope=pinject.PROTOTYPE)

Re-run the test code:

obj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph(binding_specs=[OrderContextBindingSpec()])
order_service_1 = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
order_service_2 = obj_graph.provide(OrderService)
print(order_service_1.order_context is order_service_2.order_context)

This time the output is False meaning that the order services have different contexts.


Dependency injection frameworks are useful even in a dynamically typed language like Python. I hope you found this introduction useful and give PInject a try. Thanks for reading!



Farooq Mahmud
Analytics Vidhya

I am a software engineer at Marel, an Icelandic company that makes machines for meat, fish, and poultry processing.