QuickDA — Low-code Python library for Quick Exploratory Data Analysis

Simple & Easy-to-use python modules to perform Quick EDA for any structured dataset!

Sidheswar Venkatachalapathi
Analytics Vidhya


It’s been 4 exciting years since I began my journey in Data Science and through each experience, I’ve come to learn that the typical work pipeline in any Data Science Project involves these 5 steps — Data Collection, Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, ML Modelling and Data Storytelling.

The life of a Data Scientist

It is a well-known fact that Data Scientists spend almost 80% of the time in cleaning, exploring and preparing the dataset, while the actual modelling and further analysis takes only 20% of the total time spent. For a beginner, this process can be a little too overwhelming and may take much more time, especially if one has less/no prior coding experience.

So how does one tackle this problem, yet be able to improve Data Quality and also quickly explore the dataset to formulate assumptions and hypothesis for modelling?



Sidheswar Venkatachalapathi
Analytics Vidhya

MS Business Analytics — UTDallas | Problem Solver | Seeking Full-Time Opportunities in Data Science