RapidAPI: first steps with Python
Comprehensive guide
A friend working for a bank told me once desperately: “Why do we pay so much for the IBAN parser? 300 Euro per month? I can’t believe why is this so expensive”. All I had to answer: “I can do it for 50 :D”. He confirmed he would take the deal, and I started researching. Well, deals with business people you know.
Looking for some Python or JS freelance gig, rates up to 50 €/hour? Please don’t hesitate to contact me on Twitter or Linkedin with your CV, availability and hourly rate. (CET +/- 3 hours).
While looking for special hosting for API’s I stumbled upon RapidAPI — the Andreesen and Horowitz baked API market place company from California. This was it byotch, maybe even this is what I was looking for my entire career.
As a backend engineer, you have fewer opportunities to play a single-player: you can’t design a nice-looking app everyone wants to lick; or a website with outstanding usability, which other less abstract colleagues can. Besides that, no Instagram influencer or a teenager needs facial recognition API. Our creed is, in a nutshell, a B2B service.
The problem is that you usually can’t reach the decision-makers so easily, and a lot of boilerplate comes on top: billing, accounting, security, and whatnot. All of that is done with the app stores for the app developers, for example. And finally, here we are, RapidAPI.
RapidAPI, on one side, offers an API developer a platform, which allows them to concentrate on the essential part of their business — complex problems and new pluggable functionality. The platform supports REST and, since recently, GraphQL APIs. On the other side, it allows the companies to configure the access once and request the service from different API providers over a single gateway with a single key. Quite a charming idea, actually!
In everyday programming, we fellow devs ask ourselves: should we write it ourselves, or should we use a library? If the library is well developed and could survive multiple releases, then why not! RapidAPI takes this idea even further. Instead of a program, it offers you a service where balancing, SLA, and availability are no longer your problems. Well, at least not all of them.
There is always a fly in the ointment, though: The project is not perfect. Many of the APIs are buggy, and the platform itself shows quite a disintegrated usability concept. Maybe it’s because I’m in Europe, maybe not, but the web apps are fairly slow. Some of the elements are buggy and poorly documented, but that is, I am sure, caused by rapid growth. Pun intended?
FastAPI and RapidAPI
It’s been a long due for a good python mini framework for the APIs to appear. Django scares off the newbies and data scientists by its monstrosity, age, and existential crisis. Flask was never created to be an API framework, and although it’s very slim and pluggable, neither Flask nor Django was created for programming APIs. Although Django rest framework is an amazing piece of software, it’s just not what you need.
Python celebrates the second (third?) coming. With all the new amazing technologies being released, python is the lingua franca of data science. Asyncio has spawned a whole new branch of web frameworks and attracted more interest from the community.
One of those frameworks is FastAPI — Flask for APIs with asyncio, WebSockets, and http/2. All that you wanted. Fun fact: I’ve known about it first from a data scientist I’ve met at Cornelsen Verlag. It is so easy to use, so even non-specialist in distributed systems can start right away.
The framework is incredibly well documented. Everything I needed could be immediately found. Like many other rest frameworks, FastAPI supports the schema generation based on the models from pydantic — a marshmallow competition built on new python typing functionality.
Like this:
class ParsedIBAN(BaseModel):
iban: str
compact: str
country_code: str
bank_code: str
account_code: str
length: int
bic: BIC
class Config:
alias_generator = to_camel
And here is how a typical endpoint would look like:
responses={400: {"model": Error}, 401: {"model": Error}, 422: {"model": Error}},
def parse_iban(iban_str: IBANString, current_user: str = Depends(get_current_user)):
Parse IBAN supplied in the post payload.
Quite straight forward and self-understanding.
RapidAPI requires the open API schema file so that this one can be created with the built-in functionality of FastAPI like this:
def open_api():
api = get_openapi(
title="IBAN PARSER",
description="Parses IBANS",
api["servers"] = [
{"url": "", "description": "Production server"}
return api
Dump the result in a YAML file like that:
def generate_schema(context):
Generates open api schema yaml for the api
from main import open_api
with open("schema.yaml", "w") as yaml_s:
yaml.dump(open_api(), yaml_s)
CI upload schema and automatic upload
To provision the API, and at the first place the endpoints, you can upload the schema file over the web interface. This is a quite simple approach but not really compatible with a lifecycle of a modern 12-factor like API. It is a quite common event in the lifetime of an application that the endpoints change, and uploading a schema file every time you need an update is not the way of samurai.
RapidAPI offers a way to integrate those updates in your ci. Funnily enough, over their own API for meta-information provisioning. Unfortunately, the API is quite buggy, and it took me a while until I figured what the thing was. For instance, it returns “204 no content” instead of 200 when all is fine and 400 with blurry error messages. I’ve posted the working curl with schema YAML in the discussions on the API page. Here it is once more:
curl --request PUT --url$RAPID_API_API_ID \
--header 'x-rapidapi-host:' \
--header "x-rapidapi-key: $RAPID_API_APP_KEY" \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' --form "file=@schema.yaml;type=application/yaml" -i
You can find the API id (RAPID_API_API_ID) on your marketplace page, and the app key should be inserted in the provisioning API overview.
Besides that, while trying to guess the names of the fields, I figured that the GraphQL backend requests the same API for the frontend, so you can also update the API's metadata from the overview page, which is not directly configurable from the schema file.
Here is a little invoke task I came up with:
def update_api_data(context):
Updates rapid api data from the schema file
import requests
from main import open_api
url = f"{env.str('RAPID_API_API_ID')}"
api = open_api()
with open("", "r") as f:
long_description =
payload = {
"name": api["info"]["title"],
"description": api["info"]["description"],
"longDescription": long_description,
"websiteUrl": "",
headers = {
"x-rapidapi-key": env.str("RAPID_API_APP_KEY"),
"x-rapidapi-host": "",
response = requests.request("PUT", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 204: # somehow they think 204 is okay
print("Upload OK")
raise Exit(f"Upload not OK: {response.status_code}: {response.text}", code=127)
Rapid API testing
Another interesting part of the platform is the testing engine. For a perfect API, you would probably cover it with unit tests. RapidAPI allows you to monitor and overwatch the API from the outside, combining the integrational testing and monitoring in one tool.
And now one more bug: the schedules are not working properly: they would not start immediately but at a random point in time. I hope to see that fixed.
The configuration tool is pretty much self-explanatory. A pretty neat feature is building tests based on your schema file's endpoint descriptions: the parameters and URLs are already there!
Trigger tests from CI
Every test in the testing tool can be triggered automatically.
The API gives you information about the test's status, so you can track it and fail the ci pipeline status if something went wrong. Here is the little invoke task I’ve scribbled for triggering and polling from the ci.
@invoke.task(help={"wait": "How many seconds to poll the result of the test"})
def trigger_rapid_api_test(context, wait=5):
Triggers rapid api test
overall_success = True
failed_count = 0
trigger_urls = env.str("RAPID_API_TESTS").split(" ")
for trigger_url in trigger_urls:
response = requests.get(trigger_url)
if response.status_code != 201:
f"{trigger_url} response status not OK: {response.status_code} {response.text}"
data = response.json()
status_url = data["statusUrl"]
for i in range(wait):
data = requests.get(status_url).json()
if data["status"] == "complete":
print(f"STATUS: {data['status']}")
test_success = bool(data["succesful"])
print(f"STATUS: {data['status']}")
test_success = False
failed_count += 1
overall_success &= test_success
if overall_success:
raise Exit(f"OVERALL STATUS: NOT OK, {failed_count} FAILED", code=127)
The RapidAPI itself refers to the Github actions in their examples for the CI. Here is how it would look like with the tasks above for Gitlab:
stage: .post
image: python:3.8.6
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- inv upload-schema
- inv update-api-data
- inv trigger-rapid-api-test
- master
Using the API
So all good, the API is deployed, what’s next? There are a couple of text boxes you would need to fill in, and then your API would be actually accessible over RapidAPI client. One of the things you need to think about is the authentication with the custom HTTP headers RapidAPI would pass to distinguish the calls from the RapidAPI from any other calls. You would even want to prevent the users from calling the API as long as the credentials are not passed.
Here is how it would be done with FastAPI (remember current_user: str = Depends(get_current_user)?):
def get_current_user(
x_rapidapi_proxy_secret: Optional[str] = Header(None),
x_rapidapi_user: Optional[str] = Header(None),
rapid_api_secret = env("RAPID_API_SECRET", None)
if not rapid_api_secret:
return None
if rapid_api_secret == x_rapidapi_proxy_secret:
return x_rapidapi_user
raise HTTPException(
detail={"message": "No credentials provided", "code": "NotAuthorized"},
On the client side, the usage is symmetrically simple:
import requestsurl = ""payload = """{
\"iban\": \"GB33BUKB20201555555555\"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'x-rapidapi-key': "XXX",
'x-rapidapi-host': ""
}response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)print(response.text)
Voilá! Fertig! Done!
The marketplace then rounds up the rest: billing, counting the requests, and so on. I am really excited about where the RapidAPI will develop, cuz byotch I don’t wanna do any of those!