React JS — An Introduction

Ashita Saxena
2 min readNov 4, 2023


“React is an open-source frontend JavaScript library that is used for building interactive user interfaces and single page web applications that primarily follows component based approach”.


According to Wikipedia — React was created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Meta, who released an early prototype of React called “FaxJS”.

He was influenced by XHP, an HTML component library for PHP.

Features of React…

1- Virtual DOM

2- Component Based Approach

3- JSX

4- One way data binding

→ Virtual DOM:

  • Virtual DOM is a blue print or we can say that a copy of real DOM that is placed in the memory and synced with real DOM.
  • It passes only the updated state of the component to the real DOM and prevents the re-rendering of the entire component.
  • Due to this process, the overall performance of the application improves.

→ Components in React…

  • Components are the reusable bit of code that combine together to form the entire react application.
  • They are independent pieces of code and the entire react application is divided into these components.
  • They are the building blocks of react application.


  • JSX is Java Script XML which has HTML like syntax.
  • With the help of JSX, we can use HTML tags inside React.
  • It converts HTML tags into react elements.
import react from 'react';

function greet (){
return <h1> Hello World <h1/> //This is JSX.

In the above example, the function is returning the HTML tag <h1> that is nothing but JSX.

→ One way data binding…

  • One way data binding means that the data will flow only in one direction in react.
  • React does not support multi-direction binding.
  • Due to unidirectional flow, debugging becomes very easier in react.
  • The data usually flows from parent component to child component in the form of props.
Unidirectional data flow


So, React is indeed a useful JavaScript frontend library that can be used to develop web applications with the help of various features that we discussed above.

Keep Learning !!👍

Thank You😀😀

